Lab Breeders?


New member
Unfortunately the timing with Majestic Oaks isnt going to work out for the upcomming litter so I have restarted my search for a yellow lab pup. I have been looking at our loveable labs. Has anyone ever had any experience with them? Any advice would be appreciated.
Not sure what you are looking for in a pup but these are bench dogs not field dogs. I am not saying they won't hunt but you are not putting the odds in your favor. If you want a hunting dog I would look else where. If you are looking for a family pet $1200 is a lot to spend. Their are a lot of breedings out there that will give you a great pet as well as a competent hunter. $1000will buy you a pup by an FC/AFC out of a SH or maybe MH. A breeding like that will usually make for a killer pup.

CH is a show title......And tends to indicate hunting skills are not a priority in breeding.

I took a second look at there website and the pedigrees of their breeding stock and I see absolutly nothing that indicates any of these dogs will hunt. As a hunter I personally would not walk away from these dogs but I would run and run fast.

They may very well breed nice dogs but they are intended for the show ring.

If you want a solid hunter with nice conformation (show dogs) check into KerryBrooke Kennels. For a really well bred and healthy pup I would go with Crosswind Kennels. The Tiger/Minnie litter will produce awesome pups that will be able to hunt! (I have one from a previos breeding and he is very, very special). Heck he will Run hunt tests easily and maybe even FT. I know both these breeders are out of state but the drive is nothing compared to years of joy.

I agree with Gatzby. It appears you are willing to spend some money. Find a highly reputable breeder of field dogs that fit the type of hunter you want. Be patient- most top breeders have a waiting list.
Another breeder/trainer is Troy Benson out of Cottonwood MN. He has 2 yellow males available right now that will go home in a few weeks. They are out of Rosco who is a 4x GMPR and Bailey who is a CPR. This was a repeat breeding that has produced some great dogs. His website is
Here is some information that will help understand AKC pedigree designations.

FC = field Champion
NFC = National Field Champion (only one dog a year earns this title)
NAFC = National Amature field Champion (again only one dog a year)
AFC = Amature Field Champion
MH = Master Hunter
SH = senior Hunter
JH = Junior Hunter

Of these designations FC and MH, SH are the most important to a hunter. Guys like you and me don't often get the chance to buy out of an NFC/NAFC (you need to know someone to even learn about these breedings). Remember the dog and the bitch can both add equally to the gene pool. Generally females will not be as highly titled as they don't compete or train as much due to heat cycles (in season bitches cannot compete) and time lost to breeding. I like to see at least 7-8 or eight titles in the first three generations. A CH on a pedigree is at least irrelevant and maybe even a bit of a red flag when picking a hunting puppy.

Also never choose a puppy based on how "cool" the breeders web site is! Judge the breeding by the content of the pedigrees! I have said this before and irratated one of the mods here, but I stand behind my feelings. Breeders breed, Salesman market.

Every thing I have said means absolutly nothing if the health clearances are not their. Hips, elbows, eyes, EIC etc are all hugely important.

UKC has deisignations that are similar. I am not exactly sure what they are.

I hope this helps a little

PM me if I can be any more help
Looks a little back yard breader to me. Plus a lot of show dog in the line. Like a few of the other guys said you could get a great hunting dog for $1000
The dogs in the pictures look very out of shape as well. Just my thougths.
Looks a little back yard breader to me. Plus a lot of show dog in the line. Like a few of the other guys said you could get a great hunting dog for $1000
The dogs in the pictures look very out of shape as well. Just my thougths.

I agree those adult dogs look like fatties. I don't think they would last long in the field. I have always picked my pup based in good part on what he/she will look like as an adult. I like lean long labs. Kinda like marrying a woman with an ugly mom.
Thanks for the advice. I did some more digging and it looks like crystal the mom has some good hunting lines. She has 5 MH in her pedigree and the other ones who are not MH were bred out of majestic oaks (which is why I originally got excited about the litter) which has produced some good pups. The sire - Sammy - is a UK lab which has been primarily used as a show dog. I am getting a female. Looks like it could be a crap shoot with a pup from this litter so I am going to do some due dilligence and look around.

I have spoken to a few people who got pups from these breeders and said that they have turned out to be good crosses between American Labs and British Labs and have done well hunting.

I appreciate all the insight and advice. I am amazed at how helpful this forum can be! Thanks everyone!
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