lab breeders do a disservice to hunters

knock yourself out, over 25 years of breeding hunting dogs. I have dogs all over the U.S., Canada, Alaska and South America. with all the feed back stories and pictures with the proof of the dogs abilities and health to back them up. You hug them papers and titles and keep them close to your heart if that makes you feel good. I'll take meat in the freezer and the pictures to prove it every time. Those papers don't taste good no matter how much ketchup you put on them.

Quote FC
"sounds like you are sticking up for poor breeding practices which cause so many problems."

Sounds like you are supporting the close line breeding that has wrecked so many breeds. You know why you can't merry your sister or first cousin? Because you get screwed up kids. Same goes for canines

Read on


N. Minn. Researchers Find Arthritis Killing Wolves
Something is killing the wolves on Isle Royale in Lake Superior, and it could be a condition that many humans suffer from.

About 60 years ago, hungry wolves from Minnesota went looking for new territory and fresh meat across the 20 miles of ice and snow on the lake during a very cold winter.

They found an island teeming with moose that, until then, only had to fear men with guns.

"It's not just a world full of people, it's a world full of millions of other creatures and two of the major ones in this area are moose and wolves," explained researcher Rolf Peterson with the Michigan Technological Institute.

Peterson and his wife Carolyn have been studying the relationship between the wolf and the moose here for nearly 40 years. They organize volunteers from all over the world who come here to comb the island for bones of mammals, predator, and prey.

After a week in the wilderness the volunteers are loaded down with skulls, leg bones and vertebrae and it doesn't take an expert to see the wolves are in big trouble.

A deformity of the animals spine caused by inbreeding pinches nerves, which must be painful and disabling. What they discovered is arthritis is devastating the wild creatures.

The wolves are crippled so badly they can't dodge the flailing hooves of a cornered moose, and every single wolf on the island has the same defect.

"In the last 10 years, we have not found a normal wolf," said researcher John Vucetich.

Peterson says inbreeding is probably the cause and nothing can be done to prevent the inevitable.

"Wolves will decline, possibly to the point where their population in is jeopardy," he said.

So all is not well in this northern paradise where the wolves roam freely, but face extinction. Dedicated scientists like Vucetich and the Petersons can only helplessly document the end of their own research.


Same in the dog world. Breeders need to stop messing with nature and line breeding to try and do what God couldn't

I have been in the game a long time and I can enlighten you on many of the health clearances you speak of too.

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Just a note FC, I will respect your thoughts and ideas no matter what. I in no way want to offend you. We have way more in common then we have that differ. HUNTING is what's important, along with good friends, good dog work and memories. Your welcome to hunt with me anytime.

Good breeders are doing the breeds a service. Puppy mills are not. When i was a kid we had a Gordon Setter. A good dog and I was weaned on pheasant hunting with her.

Now this is bound to set a few of you guys off, just like it does me ... One of my brothers met a guy with Gordons a few years ago. Brought home a pup, all proud. And the dog stayed in the kennel, only to see the field a couple times and those with him screaming at the mutt because it wouldn't listen. Of course it wasn't trained. After watching this for a couple years and wondering why he ever got the dog if it was going to sit in a kennel 24-7-365, and he announces he's brought home a female from the same kennel. She's got an underbite and another deformity and now he's had two litters of pups with them and has trouble getting rid of the pups. Both parents have never shown any hunting ability, are dainty little things that are afraid of their own shadow. He and I don't talk about this because I get too mad.