Hold your fire a while and see what he has in mind. I'm no Brownback fan, nor are any of my Kansas friends or relatives, but it may be that he has a plan to open up more WIHA's, which Kansas needs badly, and to market the opportunity to the advantage of the small western communities which get a lot out of pheasant season in particular. More opportunity, is more opportunity, for everybody. Can Kansas capitalize on this, I hope so, because then you will ensure the future of upland game hunting in your state. You could be like Missouri, from harvesting somewhere between 2 MILLION and 4 MILLION quail per year to 200,000. How many people would travel to Missouri to hunt quail if we harvested 2,000,000 birds. If we had made quail hunting an economic centerpiece, we might still have that kind of hunting today! Attention, and effort reap rewards, South Dakota, good or bad, like the system or not, has the birds and the reputation, because they work for it everyday. Compare to Iowa, where they sat around like Missouri, and let the whole population collapse. Kansas is at the crossroads, the hunting has been really good, from here it gets better or it gets worse, based on effort, not circumstancial luck, which has mostly been your benefactor to date. A guy like Bownback, with his Washington connections, knows how to work the system for Kansas, to get the most out of WIHA program, and Ag department funds for habitat. Change is not always bad, but is always inevitable. Try to manage the outcome. It's a big state, there's room for everybody, especially the traveling and spending customers.