Kansas Weather Next Weekend


Active member
Next weekends Weather looks better and better!!! Chance for some white stuff and highs in the low 30's and 20's!!! Glad I will be there and not in my short sleeves!!!:10sign::10sign::10sign::cheers:
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You all have to trust me!! 20% chance Fri, 50% chance Sat.
I am still seeing a weather change starting Thursday night!!!:cheers:
I'll be out Wed and Thu and all I'm seeing is sunny and 40s. Still going though.
Nick, wish I could meet you out there now that I see you are into competition BBQ!!! I cook with my Dutch ovens. My friend is throwing a party for his customers/ B-day and cooking ribs in the Dutch ovens for 45 people!!! I may just have to roll around for some Pheasants!!!! I will be in Lane and Gove counties the 30th thru the 2nd.
well, now they took the precip. out of the forecast, but the real misery is for windy conditions on the 29th, 30th and 31st....i hit a stretch of windy days out there about 3 weeks ago and couldn't move a bird.....25-40 mph winds are just miserable, hard for the dogs to make scent...good luck.
If that is the case, it will be one cold beeeaaach!!! High temps are in the 20's, if you get that wind, that will be funnnnn!!! I am still seeing 20% chance thursday night and Friday, which means some flakes zipping by at mach 1 !!!!!
Looks like a Bourbon trip!!!!:cheers:
your right blue it may be a cold beeaach out there but wind or no wind I will be out hopefully some of those mach 1 snowflakes will run out of gas and land
don't cha kill all of um ditch chikens cause I am aimen to come up the weekend ofun the 8th of Jankury to see ifin what everybody has been tellen me aboutcha isin true are not Just gotta see ifin it is true or not cause I can not believe it all. Banjo playing as he drives down ta road strummen, shiften and rolling down the winder so you can spit a mowf full of baccer out cha mouth, all at the same time, not missen a beat on banjo, slowen down and not nary a spot on cha winder and all.
You guy that know him, I don't know ifin a can stay up with him or not, long legged skinny guy he are. I told him I had a place wearen could get some jeans reall cheap at times, wellen he, Gove that is, said ifin I could get him a pair or tu he'd pay me back. I says to him give me your size, well he said 32 X 40 sumpen. Well boys ifin he got 40 plus inch legs and a skinny 32 inch waist, how in the HELL am I aimen to keep up with him.
Hell I gota a 27 inch long leg within 37 inch waist.
May hafta fire up the ole 6 wheeler :)
I'm still witcha Bleu - I Believe!!! Got both ears perked & one eyebrow cocked for Fri & Sat - could be the real SWEET late-season conditions we've all been waitin & prayin for around here if wishes/dreams & long-range forecasts come true!!!! :cheers:
Gove co. sh*t dog owneer,
Now thats I gots your tension or attension, ole coot huh well sir I hopes ya do go huntin and it is cold as heck, 78MPH winds, -30 degree subartic weather and you freeze your you know what off, not a :coolpics: call me an ole coot will ya :) Just don't kill em all as I am still aimen ta come the following weakend.
I hope so to thats when I like it couse all the wannabe hunters are snuggled under the covers and that leaves all the hunting areas for me to hunt
WELLLLLLL, ifin itz that cold there I might be a wanna be also :) but then ya wude tell everyone what a wannabe I were and I would hafta live witz it and I aint gonna give ya the satisfaktion of it and all. :D

Ribs sound pretty darn good right now. Good luck on your hunt! Hope that precip comes through.