It’s not just hunters.


Well-known member
There’s a section of corn across the road from me, just came out yesterday, last field around. I came home late afternoon and my wife says some guys are shooting too close to the house. Odd, the landlord never allows hunting, long story there.

I go to the end of the lane and see two guys standing on the head land with three combines coming towards them finishing the field. I see them drop five roosters right then in the 15 minutes I watched, who knows how many while my wife was hearing them earlier. They didn’t pick up the last three even though they were dropped dead on the ground maybe 30 years from them on the headland.

Now they might have picked them up when I went to get the DNR enforcement officer‘s number but I don’t think so, they hadn’t moved when I came back. Unfortunately he was observing an illegal tree stand on the other side of the county and couldn’t make it.

Here’s the kicker, one guy got into a tractor and left.

edit to add : I think this is the first time in my 66 years I’ve ever called the DNR on anyone, I’m pretty much a live and let live guy. Few minutes before hours or after I don’t get upset but being a slob and hog at the same time is over my line.

They had to have seen me standing at the end of the lane, I got in my truck and they beat it out. I was going to offer to help find those three they left but I didn’t get the chance, don’t know the guys. They were shooting towards the house but they were a good 200 yards away, I wasn’t concerned about that.
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Events such as this are what get lands closed for all of us. Accidents and mis counts happen , this was intentional disregard. Glad you called!!
Good for you McFarmer-You did the right thing! I'm dissapointed with the way the game warden handled it...I promise you that treestand isn't going away on it's own!! the hunter wouldve been back. Meanwhile , the pheasant culprits were present and in the act!
I'm no boy scout, but if I see poaching, or trespassing, or some other transgression, I call it in right away, with info.Thats key.Try to get a license number, a vehicle description, some kind of info.
Sound to me like the shooters were at least in communication, if not coordination, with the guy combining...
Growing up, there were some neighbors that were known to be less than sporting. I bumped into them a couple times in the early morning hours as they sat with rifle barrels sticking out the window of their car. But I never once called them in. The ate every single scrap of meat off of every illegally obtained animal they harvested. I might not like what they did, but at least there is the redeeming quality of eating the meat. The wanton waste guys are the ones that get my blood boiling.