I am now 60 years old. I remember when I was 14, and the old experienced hunters were lamenting the current times then to the old days. Most days I could 4 to 5 coveys of quail in a short day, in the 1960's and 1970's. Then I believed that the guys bemoaning the bird population were also lamenting their ability to raise and train dogs, their physical ability to "do the time " in the field. I had a lot of long hauls in or out of the field with little or no results, muttering as to why I'm there? Barely get out, and find a promising patch to go again! When I was on my own, I did the prairie bird experience, never got over it. It's huge difficult country. Most hunters I have introduced, went once, and never return, to hard, to expensive, to far away. Quail hunting? All the dog expense, endless scouting areas, to be productive. Charlie Waterman a great author-quail hunter said it took about 3 hours of scouting for 1 hour of hunting.... that was in the middle 1970's! My point is nothing has changed! Sure we have had bad weather, areas of poor production, agricultural challenges.... we are a hunt and seek sport.....simple answer make it better with your effort, or go to where there are birds! I do both. Or you can sit by the fireplace, with a shawl on your lap and a shot of whiskey, watch golf, and discuss the "old days". Now when I am ready for a preserve.... well I think a preserve resembles wild bird hunting, like porn movies to real sex! Both are simulated, and completely unsatisfying. Once you have the best, why go back? Heck most of my dogs will pick up a preserve bird and retrieve it, they recognize fake too!