Is anyone getting excited yet?

Ranger Rick

I see a lot of discussions about hunting, telling some stories, etc., but haven't seen much talk about this week's SD opener. I leave a week from Thursday and am getting so friggin worked up! I'm going through my gear, making lists.

My new setter pup, Max, is 6 months old. While he's growing each day and as big as some females already, he's still such a baby. Our weekends in the grouse woods have been pretty unproductive, especially with the temperatures in the 80's the last two and I can't wait to get him a nose full of scent in the fields of SD. We're getting exercise in the field every day, working on retrieve training and I keep working to get him some grouse and woodcock opportunities.

This next week of work is going to be tough to concentrate.
Blue steel here.
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Counting down...

10 days til I load up the dogs and gear and leave for 10 days of hunting the Dakotas. Concentration...what concentration... I'll never make it....

I'm off to Ohio to hunt the waterfowl opener over there with a buddy, then off to SD from 11/1 - 11/5. I'm fired up, and ready to go.
Just entered the twitching and shaking mode. Trigger finger cant sleep anymore. Dogs been at the door since Friday. So, the excitement is just getting here now. Be worse in 2 more days. :thumbsup:
If you are coming to SD for the opener Sat, you would be best served with private land to hunt. I hunted the res-only opener this weekend on the public/WIA allowed in Bennet County. Sat was rain and drizzle, but three of us limited out in about 4 hours. However, hunting the same area on Monday turned into a LONG day and short of a limit.

With the bird count(s) down, and lot's of local hunting pressure, it didn't take long to drive the birds off public to private ground.
I think the count is spotty in areas. Fortunately where I'm hunting I've seen plenty of birds during the resident season. I have however, talked to farmers in other areas that have harvested 6 quarters of corn and only seen 3 birds. I have also talked to residents that hunted the opener that never saw a bird.
we don't head to south dakota until the first weekend in november so the excitement is just starting to build, but duck hunting last weekend and partridge hunting next weekend (along with some bowhunting) certainly gets the juices flowing. Boy I love this time of the year.
I am excited to get the crop out so I might get to hunt the 2nd weekend. The dogs are killing every bug and mouse in sight so they are excited.
Our (valley) quail season opens this Saturday. Sure me and the dogs have been up mountain quail hunting about 6 days but you better believe we are excited for Saturday.
Our (valley) quail season opens this Saturday. Sure me and the dogs have been up mountain quail hunting about 6 days but you better believe we are excited for Saturday.


Yes, beginning to lose a little sleep at night. Sleep will prove more elusive as weeks go by.

I'll continue to wait impatiently for another couple weeks. Youth w/e is right around the corner. There are a few new pheasant vids on youtube. One is a youth hunt in SW ND. The guy with the camera is at the end of a windbreak and films 2 very close flushing roosters.

Looking forward to pics and reports from all over the country:thumbsup:
Raner Rick or Kevin J
I will be picking up my son in the Weston area the first of November and heading to SD, can you tell me if you take 212 or 7 across Mn? We will be going thru Watertown on our way to central SD.
can't say i'm excited about SD opener but totally freaked out and battling anxiety attacks for the ks opener (btw, for your readers, there are no birds in ks this yr due to drought and economy).

oh yeah, bring it on
I won't be able to sleep tonight very well. I'll be rarin' to go early tomorrow morning. Head off to the wonderful state of SD. Man I miss SD, all this stinking traffic and fast paced Minneapolis crap makes me even that much more excited to get back to where I grew up and do some huntin' with the dogs and hanging out with friends. Everyone be safe and take care of your dogs!!!! Suppose to be warm back there, 70 on Saturday.......
Leave for SD in 16 hrs, already packed and waiting on 2 in the morning. Think it will be a goat roping but I'll be in the middle of it. Will report our trip next Friday.
Leave for SD in 16 hrs, already packed and waiting on 2 in the morning. Think it will be a goat roping but I'll be in the middle of it. Will report our trip next Friday.

You lucky man! <damn, I am so jealous>