In the rain

Rain is duck hunting weather. I have pheasant hunted in it, the birds sit tight, and when you shoot one the dog brings back a soggy mess, not mass of gaudy feathers you were hoping for. The success pictures are as disappointing as they look, and feel!
I love pheasant hunting in the rain. National wildlife refuges are basically my only spots to hunt wild pheasants. They're only open for hunting on Sat, Sun, and Wed and there is a lot of competition for the few wild birds on them. Rain means most other hunters will stay home and rain on a Wed means I will probably have the whole place to myself. :thumbsup:
I've always done well in the rain. My normal daylight spots are swampy areas anyway, so it's a pretty sure thing that I'm gonna get wet when I hunt. Ironically, I seem to do better at staying dry in the rain, as the birds tend to get into the woods, especially pines, and try to sit out the weather.
Light rain or drizzle is no issue, maybe actually better for the same reasons noted above.

Heavy rain and rain/wind are no fun. Better to find a place to stay dry and hit it had immediately after the rain lets up.
Light rain or drizzle is no issue, maybe actually better for the same reasons noted above.

Heavy rain and rain/wind are no fun. Better to find a place to stay dry and hit it had immediately after the rain lets up.

Yep, a light drizzle works as well as a couple inches of snow IMO.
I probably wouldn't hunt in a steady rain today. But, when I was younger, I remember a great day of hunting in a partially harvested corn field in Iowa in about '92. It was raining good and we stopped to ask permission to hunt a cornfield and draw about a mile outside of Bedford. It was full of birds and they did not want to leave it. Three of us hunted it for about three hours until we all had a limit. Covered in mud and freezing we talked about it for years. I was around thirty then. Any more than a drizzle now, I am out. Even though I have added some insulation since then:eek: