I need some gravel in my travels!

I am really missing some back road driving, walking some grass and just seeing what the land offers. Missed last year, not looking real good this year as far as time goes. The economy took my business and freedom, had to learn to be an employee again, lack vacation time. Maybe I will try to pull two days and make a four day weekend, giving me two days in the field. Maybe.
Right. Missed last year. The year before was pretty poor. Lab is almost 4, his first season before he was 1 was alright. Just really enjoy watching him work cover.
Things should be better here next year. We had some rain and there is more cover.
Its just going to take some more good weather at the right time for a good hatch.
If it's got gravel on it, it's not really a back road! I'm suffering the same conditions. Had 3 litters this fall to prevent losing bitches to old age before getting pups out of them again. That's nailed me to the kitchen. Mother-in-law is getting eye surgery Wednesday and the wife will go home with her for 1-2 weeks. I'm chief baby sitter alone during that period. I too have young dogs that think peeking through chain link is what they were put here for. Hope you get some days to go wild!
Not much up here in KS, FYI.
Hope you can get out.....I have been blessed with a lot of time in the field this year and great opportunities. Between 2009-2011 I only was only able to bird hunt couple days all season because of work. I am making up for lost time now :D