I didn't make opening weekend, but...


New member
I was successful on my elk hunt. I thought you all would like to see my first bull. I've taken a couple of cows, but never was able to seal the deal on a bull. On Thursday, around noon, I was able to get a shot on this guy. He's a 5x3, and it was a blast getting into position to take him. After a couple of hours of manuevering, and the elk working in my direction, I was able to let a bullet fly. Of course, only minutes after I shot the big daddy came walking over the hill. Oh well, I'm still thrilled to have had the opportunity and to have taken such a beautiful animal. What's crazy is after I shot, the herd sucked up into a tight group and just stood there. They didn't know what happened, and eventually went back to grazing. I couldn't believe it! Eventually they started to move out, but I bet it took a good 15-20 minutes.

Now I've got to get out east to chase ditch chickens. Both my dog and I are dying. Hopefully everyone left a few for us!
No birds left in Yuma county but I did see three escape to washington co.
Oh yea good job on the wapiti, Bring some elk jerky ouy to yuma and ill show you where they crossed the county line.
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Congrats Chad!!!!! I didn't connect during second season, but I have a tag until Jan 31st for a cow and my friend where I hunt birds in Kansas is coming out the 4th and 5th of Dec to go after a couple cows with me!!! He is so excited that he only wanted to talk elk when we were at his farm bird hunting!!!!! That bull will be good eating!!! When is the barbeque??? I have 16 points for elk and am planning on burning them next year for a good bull hunt!!!! :cheers:
where abouts did you hunt for it at? Nice job, sure are lots of cows in that last picture.
Awesome....good job...I am hoping to take my son out next year after he turns 12 for big game.

Way to go:10sign:

way to go, lots of cows there just standing around. Looks like he was the only Bull, if so he had a lot of breeding to do, but someone had to :coolpics:
Hey everyone. Thanks for the compliments. Below is more on my hunt.

Yeah, I can bring some jerky out to Yuma. I'm picking everything up from the processor Saturday. Talk about an expensive bill! Well worth it though.

I took the bull outside of Walden. He wasn't the big bull in the herd, but I didn't see the big one until after I had shot. Read more below.

16 points for elk! That is great. You should have one heck of a hunt once you finally draw your tag. Let me guess, your thinking the NW corner of the state? I only have 2 points for elk. I don't know if I want to keep saving them, or spend them in the next year or two. I've been applying for moose, sheep, and goat for some time. Hopefully, I get lucky one of these days and pull a tag. Anyway here's more on the hunt.

Unfortunately, there was a bigger bull in the heard, but knowone was able to get a shot on him. My old man was stuck watching from the truck the whole time. I didn't even have a radio or cell, so I couldn't talk to him if I wanted to. It was crazy the way it worked out. I got out of the truck to poke my head over the hill and see if I could see the heard; sure enough, they were closer than we all expected and they had us pinned down for a while. When I finally could move, it was mostly army crawling through sage until I could get into a draw where they couldn't see me. By that time, if my dad had tried getting out of the truck, we would have been busted.

Fortunately I was able to work my way around the back side of a couple of knobs, and eventually the elk fed in my direction. I made the decision to shoot when I did because elk were starting to surround me and I was getting nervous theat I would get busted. I found this guy and was able to connect. After the shot I held tight becasue the heard didn't bust out like I thought they would. My buddy Brett was stalking the herd from another location and did all he could to get a shot, but never had an opportunity. Finally, after about 20 minutes I was able to back out, go back down around the knobs, into the draw, and back to the truck to deliver the news to my dad and one other buddy. We waited for an hour or so and Brett tried to make a stalk, but the herd ended up moving back onto private property.

The big one was BIG! I never did get a real close look at him, but he had to have been at least a 6x6 that was long wide and seemed to have good mass. He also had awesome whale tails. When you saw him, you knew he was the man! In the attached picture, you can see the big one coming up the hill. He is the last elk. Its hard to see his antlers, but it's the best picture I have. Maybe it will give you an idea of his size.

It's crazy; this whole hunt was possible because a couple of coyotes chased the entire herd off of the refuge. We watched them and they fed on private land and eventually looked like they could make there way to BLM land. Never in a million years would I have guessed they would actually jump the fence and give us the opportunity. I thought they knew there safety zones! But as luck would have it, we got into position, and they did indeed cross the fence. Unbelievable!

I hardly ever hunt open country like this. It's usually the nastiest thickest timber you find us in. But we decided to try something different for the morning, and it worked out for us. My bull was taken south of Walden, not far from the refuge. I've seen trucks out there many times glassing from ridge tops. I guess maybe they have the right idea.

Oh, one last thing. It took a lot longer than it seems for all of this to materialize. I would say it was about two hours rom the time I got out of the truck, until I was able to pull the trigger. It took a lot of patience and manuevering to make it happen. I'm just glad the elk finally cooperated!
Nice job man and congratulations on your 1st bull. Just curious who is processing it for you? Time to get busy chasing roosters now :thumbsup:
Nice job man and congratulations on your 1st bull. Just curious who is processing it for you? Time to get busy chasing roosters now :thumbsup:

Steve's Meat Market in Arvada is doing the processing. They are a bit more expensive, but they make great sausage and jerky. I'd rather pay a bit more and enjoy my food than try and choke down stuff I don't like.

Yeah, can't wait to chaise roosters. Hopefully I can get out and bag a few soon.
That's funny Chad. I know that herd well! I grew up hunting elk on Owl Mountain on the Brown Ranch. a couple decades back, most of that bunch moved to the refuge (at least during hunting season). I've scoped out those critters many times walking around the refuge along the Michigan River. This last summer I saw a bull much like the one you describe - could be the same? Hard to say from your pic. In any case, pretty frustrating seeing them in there during hunting season when you can't touch them. I've "re-located" my elk hunting to the San Juans the last few years, but in 2007 I took a cow up near the WY border, on the east side of the North Platte. Oh, and I took the cow I got this year to Steve's as well - they did a great job! I usually do my own processing, but was just too busy this year. A bit of sticker shock, as you say, but vastly better than the only other out-sourced job I've had done.

Great to hear from someone familar with North Park. My parents have a place just south of Rand, so we're up there frequently. I've poked around the owl mountain area a time or two, but usually see it fly by as I drive the cut-off road between Hwys 14 and 125.

Yeah, the refuge is frustrating. I wish they would let kids or disabled hunters hunt it on a limited basis. It would at least keep the animals moving around. 99 times out of 100, if they make it to the refuge, they stay put.

I usually hunt unit 17 south and west of Rand, but changed it up one morning this year and it paid dividends. Mostly luck I guess.

Take care and happy hunting.:beer:
If they have a place south of Rand, they're close the the Brown's Ranch that I referred to. I think Verle still lives there and runs it, but it's been years since I talked to him. It's on the northwest corner of Owl Mountain. If you go in that road the Homestead is on until it T's, then go south, you're there. In unit 17, sounds like you're hunting up near the headwaters of the Illinois - watch out for the moose! I was chased by a cow there several years back. She had twins, and wasn't in the mood to mess around! I had to dive into the willows to hide from her. Definitely a bit scary!

Oh, this is supposed to be a pheasant forum? sorry...
Steve's Meat Market in Arvada is doing the processing. They are a bit more expensive, but they make great sausage and jerky. I'd rather pay a bit more and enjoy my food than try and choke down stuff I don't like.

Yeah, can't wait to chaise roosters. Hopefully I can get out and bag a few soon.

Dropped a lot of money at Steve's!!! But it is the best!!! He will take 10% if you pay cash!! Lots of Terriyaki, Pepperoni, and jalapeno stix!!!!! Summer sausage!!!!! YUMMMMM!! If they wouldn't be cooking it right there and have all those samples , I would of come out cheaper!!! Cheddar Dogs, Chorizzo, damn I could go on and on!! I am with you on the Moose also, Got 3 and 10 if you know what I mean!!!! Have a great spot for monsters, just can't draw!!! Was thinking of 10 or 2 for elk, but Can't catch up with the points. Have a good spot down by New Mexico I am looking at!!! I should draw!!!:cheers::coolpics:
Yeah, I think we bought a little of everything from Steve's. Some of it was a lot of everything. 84lbs of jerky, 100lbs of italian sausage, and a mess of jalepeno chedder links, smoked german sausage, summer sausage, breakfast sausage, peppperoni sticks, etc. With a bull and a cow, we had a lot of meat to account for. Luckily friends and family love the stuff and chipped in.

3 and 10 for moose. You should draw any time. I only have 3 and 4, but I've heard of guys getting lucky early. Sounds like you know where to find the big ones. Let us know if you ever draw one of those seemingly impossible tags.
With my deer and elk I dropped $ 900 !!!! OUCH!!! Yes, people have been drawing with 3 and 3 and 1. Maybe before I get too damn old!!!! I will go muzzleloader for Moose!!!:cheers:
SAWEET! Congrats for sure to you gentlemen!:10sign: