hunting styles


New member
hey guys,
starting new thread. how about we share are hunting styles, drives vs blockers. basicly how do you hunt the ditch parrots in your part of the country. :)

I personally like hunting off the hood of a truck with someone driving me around fields! JUST KIDDING!I like cut crop fields the best and working the field into a funnel my fav is prob cut corn field (dirty) which i did learn on this site to be honest if you keep your eyes peeled you can often see them running in and out of the row but it takes practice to see them it did me anyway.Grat thread this is a good one. lets hear kansans i love hearing styles and new techniques!
In MI it's like finding a needle in a haystack, so there aren't any blockers because there aren't any expectations of seeing any in a particular field and because a lack of birds results in a lack of hunters interested in going so it's typically myself or perhaps 1-2 additional. I find it's just a lot of walking and hoping to pickup scent from a runner eventually while staying ever alert.

With the limited time I've spent out west, since I have a flusher I prefer to hunt objectives - cattail swales, weedy feed lots, edges, ravines, etc. Without a dog that eats a lot of ground I find it hard to hunt a giant expanse of a single cover type unless I just saw where the birds flew into it.
Most of the time it just 1 of my son's and myself. A lot of time I'm alone, with my Brittany. Seeing as how the dog know more about where the birds are than I do. I just follow him through the CRP fields. Some days we get birds some days we don't. But at my age Just getting out and doing it is very enjoyable...........Bob
I'm in agreance with Only A pointe4r cut fields are best but i also hunt feed that has blown over and we hunt some crp we usually have blockers at the end and the peaple on the outside of the firing line walk 10 yards ahead of us so that the ones trying to runn out the sides stay put b ut other times we hunt no blockers becouse there isn't any way to get them to the end accept walk right through were we are hunting so its an up and back hunt
I try different styles and techniques and then change them and adjust to what the birds are doing. When I figure that all out, I will let you all know! It may be another 20 years or so!!! Wish me luck!!:):thumbsup:
well blue hope you have great success in trying to figure them out ive been trying and i never can figure them i try to hunt places they are feeding but it inevidably goes south when they should be nesting their feeding and when they are supposed to be feeding they are nesting sneaky bastards anyway
all good info, agree with all these tactics. lets see if someone out there has something new. i mean besides the hood thing lol. :D
I think I will just pay everyone to shoot the smart ones and leave the dumb ones for me. I am sure my dog will even chip in!!!!!:D
I watched a program a while back. They were hunting Pheasants from a ground blind with a bow. They patterned the birds feeding and set up where they were feeding almost every night. Set up the blind and waited them out.. It looked like it worked very well. For the person that may have trouble getting around. I think this could be a great way for them to still put a rooster or two in the game bag. Although not for many who are looking for the traditional upland hunt with the dog work and such.
With the hunting pressure on our public lands I look for the cover that is out of the way. Last year my dog pushed roosters out of standing water in a certain slough on five different ocasions. I was standing right over my dog and he was acting very birdy, then he dove into this wooded slough and pushed a rooster out of the water no more than 5ft in front of me. The water was about chest high on my dog, this slough proved to be the single most productive piece of cover we hunted.Also on windy days me and the dog will push through a path of tules that covers about 5 acres, my brother tries to keep pace with us by listening. He stands just outside the edge of the tules and gets the birds I didn't see flush. One day we pushed 6 roosters and 20 hens from that patch and that is a ton of birds around here. We shot 2 of those roosters, the rest flushed wild.
Greatest tactic on earth watch farmers combining when close to finishing feild ask to hunt most will say yes. Stand at the end wait for combine birds flush out end shoot your limit. Do it on my farms and others Only bad thing dog really not needed:(
My nephew was nice this year drove combine 50 plus bird flush. Limit in 10 seconds.
usuall 2 or 3 dogs and 3 or 4 people ,early in the year typical hunt find a big area with bedding and food and ,we all get out and lay out a game plan on how to hunt that particular area and usually it all goes to pot because the birds are running every where and the plan is busted and then we just wonder around the field chasing those wiley birds . late in the year we will do some drive and blocks .
i forgot

last year my buddy and i pulled up on some walk in and was going to walk a milo field but a cut corn field was by the road and crp across which we couldnt hunt so we walked back about a mile in the milo and saw birds but way to cagey on are walk back the corn field was loaded with pheas of coarse we spooked them across to the crp well we decided to hunch down in the corn just over a small sloping hill where they flew in to feed but of course no birds show up lol anyone ever tried that ambush techniique where you know they are fedding?
My favorite way to hunt the Pheasant in MN. Is late season to hunt the cattail swamps. the grass in thick enough to hold the birds for points and the fresh snow helps in tracking the birds to find the hot spots.
The combine works great also.
I like letting the dog work in large fields of tall grass. With a couple coulees, some thick weed patches.
Illegal Hunt Method

Greatest tactic on earth watch farmers combining when close to finishing feild ask to hunt most will say yes. Stand at the end wait for combine birds flush out end shoot your limit. Do it on my farms and others Only bad thing dog really not needed:(
My nephew was nice this year drove combine 50 plus bird flush. Limit in 10 seconds.

Take heed: This will get you a citation from a wildlife officer in Kansas as an illegal hunting method.
Take heed: This will get you a citation from a wildlife officer in Kansas as an illegal hunting method.

We let some military guys from Illinios hunt last year. Game warden stood right there so it must be legal in IA. Brother talked to her for awhile and she not one to let anything go. It's tradition in IA I guess. You Kansas hunters need to to have a talk with your state goverment.
Coot I agree with Joe, that is really not very sporting. That comes close to a Game Hog tactic...........Bob