hunting styles

Take heed: This will get you a citation from a wildlife officer in Kansas as an illegal hunting method.

Just curious Brit, couldn't find that reg. Looked under 115-3-1, but it doesn't mention anything about that. Don't know why it would be illegal unless you were riding on the combine? Sure would not put my dog out in that situation. Always wanted to try the european hunt and the combine hunt , just to experience the different styles. I know some of you guys may not approve, but I would like to make my own judgement!
When a got my first hunting dog I thought that was cheating. You get a warning when the birds are near made it alot easier. Really whats the diff if you leave a food plot you know theres birds in it. most are long narrow strips easy to walk some people even mow walking trails. I don't get alot of time hunting pheasant early in the season so a quick easy hunt during harvest is really nice. Most times I let out of state hunters hunt it anyway I know they really appreciate it. Just seeing poeple smile after a good hunt and say thank you is all I need. I do see your point of view on saying it's cheating. I bet most would be hard pressed not to pull the trigger:)

It's illegal to be on the combine all you do is post on the ends. You would have to be a pretty good shot to hit one on a moving combine not to mention the danger factor. No dogs like I said earlier thats the bad part.
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hey coot i cant believe your combine post. in his defense i know he doesnt do this very often. he loves hunting with Jake too much! Have a feeling lots of farm boys have done this to get first bird. i prefer walking fencelines near stalks. hips and knee's hurt too much to hunt cattails and crp. the coot is just too tough for me to keep up with:( also the coot is very nice and will let anyone hunt his land hard to find that now a days.
Did the combine thing once in my younger years it was rather anti-climatic. I prefer a good cattail infested waterway a couple guys and a few flushers.
I have done the combine thing as well. Used it as a last resort because there was still a lot of corn in except by the one field. Not nearly as much fun as following the dog through some nice crp.
Put me in that "bad" group of people that have tried this technique. Killing them this way is certainly nothing to brag about, but it is fun and it's a good way to fill the freezer if that's what you're out there for. Not as fun as hunting w/ the dogs, but it's great after a long day or far flushing roosters or missed shots by new guys or whatever. I had a group of entirely new people that hunted with me 2 years ago. We'd hunted all day and I was basically the only one hitting anything. My dad was finishing a milo field when we stopped by "camp" to check in and water dogs. Dad said, bring them boys out to block for me while I finish these last couple of strips. I kenneled the dogs and positioned the blockers. They had a great deal of fun for the short time that it lasted and they'd harvested about 5 birds and missed so many more. When the combine was gone we got the dogs back out and hunted the fresh cut milo. There were still a lot of birds in there and amazingly enough, that little bit of easy practice had improved their wingshooting skills immensely. Those guys followed my dogs through that 1/4 of milo until they'd filled their limits. They all agreed that it is a much better experience following the dogs than it is blocking for the combine, but they wouldn't have traded the combine experience for the world.

My son's first rooster may very well come from a combine flush this season after we've followed the dogs for a few hours (gotta make him attempt to get one the right way first). If he's feeling down about his ability to shoot one, we'll block for the combine and go through box after box of shells until he finds his mark! Then we'll go back to trying to get the dog to point and hold one for him once he's gained some confidence.
I'm never going to let anyone hunt again. I didnt know there was rules how to pheasant hunt and certain ways make you a better hunter. How many of you stop hunting early so the birds can go out and feed. How many shells you put in your gun I put two. How many of you will tell a fellow hunter were the good spots are and how to approach it. How many of you stop hunting completely when weather gets cold and foods hard to find for the birds. You guys only hunt the hard ones I guess. Hunt alone with dogs the best. Group hunting great but what are you doing there pushing birds to people if the people were not on the ends would not the birds keep running. In group hunting I like to do the walking with my dog not posting. Why postings easy no dog needed. I'm not going to bash on the people that like to post up. If I'm not a good hunter so be it. I know I made alot of hunters happy with this tactic.
I'm never going to let anyone hunt again. I didnt know there was rules how to pheasant hunt and certain ways make you a better hunter. How many of you stop hunting early so the birds can go out and feed. How many shells you put in your gun I put two. How many of you will tell a fellow hunter were the good spots are and how to approach it. How many of you stop hunting completely when weather gets cold and foods hard to find for the birds. You guys only hunt the hard ones I guess. Hunt alone with dogs the best. Group hunting great but what are you doing there pushing birds to people if the people were not on the ends would not the birds keep running. In group hunting I like to do the walking with my dog not posting. Why postings easy no dog needed. I'm not going to bash on the people that like to post up. If I'm not a good hunter so be it. I know I made alot of hunters happy with this tactic.

Sorry bud, but you can't stop me;) 1. not me 2. 2 or 3 shells at a time, but usually 2 3. I have the biggest mouth when it comes to helping other hunters....ask any of the new guys on this site that have asked me for guidance. I send them to the best WIHA patches I know and tell them exactly how to most effectively hunt the field. 4. I refuse to hunt directly after a bad ice storm, but still pursue them in the snow.

Continue making people happy using this technique. Whatever it takes to get folks involved. Enjoyable/successful hunts (successful in this sense means harvesting something) are key to getting folks to buy licenses year in and year out. It is also essential that they like it so they'll introduce their friends and relatives to our sport. The combines aren't always rolling during hunting season, so once they're hooked, they'll get a dog and hunt them the same way everyone else likes to see it done.

Guys that have shot a lot of birds in their life may not need to experience this. I wouldn't expect a high-five from any of you guys for shooting birds as they fly out the end of a combine pass. However, there are folks that may only go pheasant hunting one time and when they tell the tale, it might go something like, "We walked all day just to see a few birds. I shot at one 40 yards away and I've never been back." I'd rather hear that they waited for the John Deere to turn around, a big rooster jumped up and they bagged their first they're obsessed with the wonderful world of wingshooting!
Most of my pheasant hunting is done alone or with 1 or 2 other guys. I much prefer small groups for my style of hunting. And I prefer to hunt CRP with my Brittanys. Especially if I'm by myself, and in a large CRP field, I let my dogs run quite wide, probably out to 100 yards or more. This allows them to cover a lot more ground and they will hold point until I get there. Oh sure, on occasion they bump a rooster out of range but I still get more than if I kept them in close.
I remember the days when you had to walk 5-7 miles just to see a pheasant. How many new hunters do you think would want to buy a lisense the next year 1% maybe. How many of you hunt pen raised birds. I have no probelm with it but are they true hunters. I say yes some would say no. Maybe they just want to experience a good hunt or don't have the time to go alot. Its great for training dogs. I'm working on most pheasant openers so I miss hunting the easy slow ones. I could probably shoot 30+ wild ones a year but quit at 10 thats enough I'll shoot in the air dog thinks I'm the worst shoot in the world:D
I will just throw this out there. What is the difference between waiting at the end of the field while the combine comes down the last few rows or walking a narrow food plot with 15 guys and 5 dogs with blockers at the end. Either way all the birds are leaving the field. Would it make us feel better if the farmer left the last 24 rows and we walked it with a pack of dogs before he finished. Just a thought.
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I remember the days when you had to walk 5-7 miles just to see a pheasant. How many new hunters do you think would want to buy a lisense the next year 1% maybe. How many of you hunt pen raised birds. I have no probelm with it but are they true hunters. I say yes some would say no. Maybe they just want to experience a good hunt or don't have the time to go alot. Its great for training dogs. I'm working on most pheasant openers so I miss hunting the easy slow ones. I could probably shoot 30+ wild ones a year but quit at 10 thats enough I'll shoot in the air dog thinks I'm the worst shoot in the world:D

hey coot i know why you just shoot in the air. your too tired to carry all your shells back to truck and are just trying to lighten your load:D
I will just throw this out there. What is the difference between waiting at the end of the field while the combine comes down the last few rows or walking a narrow food plot with 15 guys and 5 dogs with blockers at the end. Either way all the birds are leaving the field. Would it make us fell better if the farmer left the last 24 rows and we walked it with a pack of dogs before he finished. Just a thought.

My thoughts exactly. Great post!
I don't know if there is a bad way to hunt pheasants, well, as long as it's legal.

Plenty of groups all they do is drive and block. Fine.

I'll just wander off with a good pup.:)
My favorite way is to road hunt with a dog running ahead of the car with a gun out both windows. A case of Coors light on the seat. When the dog gets birdy on one side, you whip the car side ways to which side you need to shoot from, and blast the bird before it gets over the fence, the dog then retrieves the bird and jumps in the car window, spits out the bird, grabs me another beer, and heads down the road again till the trunk is full. or out of gas or shells. You do get monkey but from sitting on your ars so long though.:thumbsup:

Just Kidding..........:D

I was in a playful mood I guess.
I do love to just take the hounds to a spot that looks good and just follow and trust the dog, cover ground in key looking places and it always pays off. I usually am alone or a new guy or new friend once and a while. I simply let the dog do the work and follow behind. No real science just nose. I am not into the big party group thing, done it too many times, go home with someones shot up hard mouthed dog'd chewed up birds, people screaming ROOSTER. not my cup of tea anymore I guess. I like peace and tranquility, couple birds or the 2-3 your allowed and go home. If I have my birds, I also enjoy letting the dog work for the other guy as well, even before I get a bird I guess. With out a dog I guess I wouldn't go.
FCSPRINGER, Quote, I like peace and tranquility, couple birds and go home. Quote.

I too think that is why I like hunting The peace and tranquility.....Bob
FCSPRINGER, Quote, I like peace and tranquility, couple birds and go home. Quote.

I too think that is why I like hunting The peace and tranquility.....Bob

I would like that also, but since my shell to bird ratio is 25 to 1, it sounds like a trap range wherever I go!!!!:thumbsup:
Pheasant Movement Hard to Predict

well blue hope you have great success in trying to figure them out ive been trying and i never can figure them i try to hunt places they are feeding but it inevidably goes south when they should be nesting their feeding and when they are supposed to be feeding they are nesting sneaky bastards anyway

I agree. Starting at about 8:45 we hunted a quarter of milo stalks, starting on the side near a huge evergreen windbreak. We got that right and flushed plenty. We continued through to the opposite side of the field. An hour and half later we were back where we started and we see more pheasants running out of the evergreens, across the road, and into the stalks. So the first birds we flushed were out feeding when you would expect them to, but at 11:15 some birds were apparently coming in to feed for the first time that day. Go figure.
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My favorite way is to road hunt with a dog running ahead of the car with a gun out both windows. A case of Coors light on the seat. When the dog gets birdy on one side, you whip the car side ways to which side you need to shoot from, and blast the bird before it gets over the fence, the dog then retrieves the bird and jumps in the car window, spits out the bird, grabs me another beer, and heads down the road again till the trunk is full. or out of gas or shells. You do get monkey but from sitting on your ars so long though.:thumbsup:

Wow FCS you got to be the greatest dog trainer in the world:D Very funny post:10sign::10sign::10sign::10sign: