Have taken many kids thru hunter safety classes in three different states over the years (TX, NM & PA) - states differ in the level of hunter education they offer & unfortunately in our litigation-prone butt-covering society some of the good ones have also morphed live-fire out of the program! Some states now even offer the bulk of the course ALONE in the privacy of your home over the internet which is totally S-T-U-P-I-D in my books when you are so-often dealing with novices (unless a well-qualified parent/mentor is going to be very hands-on involved)!!!
I like the old-school classes the best which included 2-3 hour classes for several nites or weeks + a field-exercise day on Sat with live-fire included! It was kinda like the driver's ed system with both classroom & hands-on learning, followed by both a written & field test - and you didn't pass if you failed either one! Saw several kids cry (a couple with me) & have to re-do, but better than an accident waiting to happen!!!
As to nodding-off & sleeping thru the class, that sounds like more of a parent/mentor/example problem to me (I've seen such a piss-poor attitude exhibited from time-to-time in a minority of hunter safety participants, but the bulk of excited newbies are usually pretty into it, especially if the instructors/mentors are worth their salt)...And I wholeheartedly agree, a Hunter Ed class is not nearly enough - it is just a start! People who take hunting & guns nonchalantly should not enter the field - they're the kind I try my best to avoid...Even the best, most experienced of hunters are still capable of making a mistake if we get too loose/cocky and/or let down our guard!