Huge question

Why be so negative about dog food and the companies that produce it. Your comments are speculative in nature and have no proven basis. They represent your personal feelings and opinions but nothing factual. If you can't add something beneficial to a discussion then don't reply. Just calling it the way I see it!

as a moderator, you haven't seen it very clearly. bobman had a question about reading labels and there is a very good reason for that. if you can clear up label reading and the quality going into dog food rom them, please do. the facts from reading labels you go away with not learning much. also, when has this forum been a fact sheet and not a bunch of opinions of enthusiastic guys with a common interest. don't think it is your job to shut people up

as a moderator, you haven't seen it very clearly. bobman had a question about reading labels and there is a very good reason for that. if you can clear up label reading and the quality going into dog food rom them, please do. the facts from reading labels you go away with not learning much. also, when has this forum been a fact sheet and not a bunch of opinions of enthusiastic guys with a common interest. don't think it is your job to shut people up


I wasn't referring to reading labels. And personal opinions based on personal experiences are just fine. But indicating that dog food companies but eye lids, beaks and butts in their food when it's totally unfounded seems a little out of line. I'm posting as a member here, not a mod.

before I quit for the night. the internet is loaded with info on how dog food is likely made and is there for every one to see. quality of course is all over the map but for a fact, the label won't tell you much as the mfg. don't want too. in fact if it was not ordered by the gov. they wouldn't tell you as much as they have. in general if the main listing is meat, it is above average, if it says what type of meat like lamb, it is probably quite good. the problem comes when the meat ingredient says: the dog food industry definition meat by products: includes but not limited to lungs, spleen, kidneys, brain, liver, blood, bone, stomach and intestines that are not fit for us people. as for chicken by products it says clean parts of slaughtered chickens including heads, feet, viscera, etc. not classy stuff and not stuff any mfg. of dog food is going to tell you, the exception is a few small companies that sell high priced food with for example salmon or truly specified ingredients. what all this means is that most dogs most of the time are happy just being fed and very likely in a performance dog, higher quality will get you better performance, however the companies ain't gonna tell ya much

I guess what I'm saying is, what is the harm in leaving them be?

Not a lot until time kicks-in and we leave all the miss-placed threads within the main pheasant forum. Sloppy stuff.

I think you and the others will find the thread just fine whether it's in the pheasant forum or the dog forum:).

Have a good day.:cheers:
This thread is moving right along on the "main bird dog"

No question pet food companies are using "meat by products" so what?
I feed Beneful original, whatever my pups lack, it is NOT energy, they romp from first light until dark. Healthy and sleek as can be. :)

Speaking of meat by products, read the label on the cheap skinless wieners.
Pork and PORK by PRODUCTS, Turkey and TURKEY by PRODUCTS. :eek:
I wouldn't touch em, however they ain't gonna hurt you any?:confused:
I test foods based on coat, weight gain or loss and energy level in the house. If the dog is sleeping more than usual loosing crazy amounts of weight and has a dull coat the food isn't cutting it. Assuming you walk/run your fido regularly. Changes my be minimal around the house but may be the fourth courter difference in the feild. Good luck I feed my GSP pro plan 30/20 although no kids no truck payment and being a 20 year old bachelor gives me some leeway on cost:)
I think most suffer from too much information most of the time. Before the times of all the info printed on the bag, or hitting up google to find what is in your dog food, guy's were running dog's and feeding them whatever they were sold at the local feed store. My father ran and raised some extremely good English Pointers and we bought the food by the pallet at the local feed store on the corner. I don't know if the dog's crapped more or less, or if there coats were pretty or not. All I know was those dogs were some bird finding sumbitches. I think some of us probably over analize this a bit. BTW I have been feeding diamond for awhile, and the dogs seem to like it.
mutt food

as I have posted, I, over the years have had a bunch of mutts and all over the map on brands, protein and fat, I have never had dogs that gave a damn except for endurance in the field, there are some theories on food but that's what the seem to be. excluding the rare dog, not sure you can tell quality and the info on the bag while it is minimal, mostly useless, still might be overload. some guy's do like gals with black hair. who actually cares whether they pick up a 5" terd or on that is only 4"
