If you don't vaccinate for lepto here, you will lose your pup, usually about the time they begin to show some promise. I believe Lyme is like the dreaded "West Nile Virus" for horses, it's not as common or prevalent, doesn't reside and is not transmitted directly dog to dog, therefore since I am not in the hot zone, I rely on picking ticks and trying to be tick free. Same with the horses, and mosquitos. Haven't had a case, or heard of an actual case in the region for years. I am much more concerned by the other tick disease "er"(sic) something, I forget, that I have actually had. In both cases I am more fearful for me than I am for the dogs or horses, no human vaccine that I am aware of. Sight reactions are very common, and seem to be non specific to the vaccine. Instant swelling which goes down in a few days is fairly normal. May have gotten a bad stick, or may be a reaction. Nervous system disorders are much more serious but fortunately rare, but I have seen both with ordinary 5 and 7 way shots, or even rabies alone.