Holy crap..."you're kidding me"

Strange but with a Certain Appeal

I have a cousin who passed away several years ago who I think might have opted for this. He was an avid pheasant hunter and prearranged to have a friend fire his gun three times over his open grave (as he lay in it) and toss the expended shells onto his casket before the dirt was put over him. As for myself, I have requested that my ashes be cast into the wind on my cousin's farm where I and my dogs have enjoyed many a wonderful day afield.
Just when you think you may have seen everything. ;)

Gives new meaning to the words "shootin some birds with Grandpa"...:eek:
HOLY SMOKE (the HOLY part) might not work for some on here. I am therefore starting a new company called HELLFIRE.

Seriously, sort of, I do plan to be cremated and have 1/2 my ashes thrown of a bluff over the Missouri River and the other half over some good pheasant ground.

A friend of my Dad was buried with his Shorthair's ashes. The dog was getting old so I did not have a problem with putting him down. The dog would have missed him. The guy was a Greek and the dog's name was Zorba of course.