OK, true story. This 24 years previous. I was hunting in an WPA north of Humbolt SD, there was a home across from the parking area. I did not park there. I parked on in another area. I did walk through the area in front of that home parallel about 70-100 yards to the fence line in the WPA following my dogs. A few roosters flushed, which was my intention, to move the birds away from that area close to that home. Later that evening, at home, I had two SD game wardens at my door, tracked by my license plates, I was questioned by the Wardens if I had fired in the safety zone, and if I hunt with a 20 gauge. I explained what i did and that i do not possess a 20 gauge. Below is the regs as written in the SD Hunting handbook. The reg is subject to vague interpratation. Notice the phrase surrounding for the safety zone.
Road rights-of-way, excluding the
Interstate highway system, are open for
the hunting of small game and waterfowl
(see Mourning Dove, Youth Pheasant
and Resident-Only Pheasant seasons for
special road hunting restrictions). Only the
owner of the occupied dwelling, church, or
schoolhouse; the owner of livestock; or a
person who has written permission from the
owner of the occupied dwelling, church, or
schoolhouse, or the owner of the livestock
may use such highways or rights-of-way for
the purposes of discharging any firearm or
for the purposes of hunting within a 660-
foot safety zone SURROUNDING an occupied
dwelling, a church, schoolhouse, or livestock.
No other person may discharge a firearm
at small game within the safety zone.