HB 1236 Safety Zone Increase

If I lived there I would probably want the increase. As a hunter that travels 2800 miles round trip, I don’t want the increase. That being said, the only road hunting I usually do is from one field to another on the private ground I have been fortunate to hunt. I have never been checked by a game warden and can’t remember ever seeing one. I and my buddy follow the laws, and have never been approached by anyone except other hunters who were just interested in how we did and how are bird numbers. I have also noticed most pheasant hunters we see are older and not many younger one. When I say this I mean hunters going to hunt public/private land that does not release birds. I know several from my home area that go but must go to a place that releases, by 15 people harvesting 45 birds in just a few hours.
I'm not saying they don't deserve respect and appreciation, but part of living out in a rural area is experiencing rural activities. I fully support the 1/8th mile rule, think its a great idea and I would imagine that if it was more consistently followed there wouldn't be a mention of changing it to 1/4 mile.

My mention about fishing at the lake was more a comment on your self-reflection about what you and your family would do in the given scenario.
I yield. I don't live in SD. But I trust that the people that do live there get to make the rules, and I choose to hunt in SD and I chose to follow their rules.
Has any homeowner from SD complained about the new rule?
It passed through the committee and will now have a floor vote from the whole senate, likely this morning. One more chance to them to vote this down. I highly doubt the governor vetos it, so this is it.
Senate destroyed this bill 29 nay to 5 yay. I honestly can't believe it given there's 32 republican senators. A couple lobbyists from the proponent side were speechless. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Thank goodness! I knew nothing about any of this until I saw an article on FB this morning, granted I live right across the border in Iowa.
Senate destroyed this bill 29 nay to 5 yay. I honestly can't believe it given there's 32 republican senators. A couple lobbyists from the proponent side were speechless. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Good news. Thanks for the update.

Were there discussions about the bill before the vote?

Maybe now that it was in the news, people who were unaware of the law were made aware.
HB 1236
House committee passes 10-2
House general session passes 51-19
Senate committee passes 4-3
Department of tourism gets involved They did not think the bill would get this far.
Senate general session defeated 29-5

The mighty dollar wins again, landowners screwed once more.
When I asked of my district Senators about it "that's your problem ,deal with it"
I am not the only one angry with the kowtow to the dollar.

Let operation "mow the ditches" begin.
HB 1236
House committee passes 10-2
House general session passes 51-19
Senate committee passes 4-3
Department of tourism gets involved They did not think the bill would get this far.
Senate general session defeated 29-5

The mighty dollar wins again, landowners screwed once more.
When I asked of my district Senators about it "that's your problem ,deal with it"
I am not the only one angry with the kowtow to the dollar.

Let operation "mow the ditches" begin.

That operation began long ago. The only ones screwing landowners are the ones breaking the law, & changing the law won't fix that. A few senators finally applied reason & truth to the opposition & people saw that the bill made no sense. It certainly helped that 1 senator is also a shooting/safety instructor. His testimony oddly held more sway than that of a few sheriffs from ranch country who absolutely did not know what they were talking about. Go figure.
At 39.25 in the video Sen Pischke verifies my point.... "what is this going to do to tourism?" Out of state hunters are threating not to come to South Dakota. The senator who is a shooting instructor also stated that road hunting is the only way he hunts, just looking out for himself.
Mow Baby Mow!
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The senator who is a shooting instructor also stated that road hunting is the only way he hunts

The truth has been revealed here now it seems. What a shock. Talk about a lazy "hunter."
At 39.25 in the video Sen Pischke verifies my point.... "what is this going to do to tourism?" Out of state hunters are threating not to come to South Dakota. The senator who is a shooting instructor also stated that road hunting is the only way he hunts, just looking out for himself.
Mow Baby Mow!

Yeah, I don't believe for a minute someone from wherever said they wouldn't come if they can't hunt within 1/4 mile of homes/critters. But it's no less disingenuous than proponents saying the whole thing was about safety, 3-1/2" shells make shot travel further, full choke makes shot travel further, & my favorite, steel shot travels further than lead, all of which were mentioned by people (sheriffs, legislators & others) supporting the bill on its way through the legislature. Not a single documented piece of evidence was shared indicating the current law is insufficient. Not. One.

In any case, we get it, you're against road/ditch hunting for some reason. Or at least think people who road hunt are less virtuous than those who don't.

(Also, where/when did Kevin Jensen say he only road hunts?? I sure didn't hear it.)
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Or at least think people who road hunt are less virtuous than those who don't.

This topic seems to come up here regularly.

I realize you were not specifically referring to me, but I have voiced my opinion on the subject before and I'll do it again.

I don't specifically set out hunting with the intent to "road or ditch hunt," ever. During the course of my hunts, occasionally, I do have to walk along rural gravel roads to get where I'm going, and I do so with the minimal thought that a dumb rooster may flush from one. So if that's road/ditch hunting, so be it. But I have literally never left the house with the mindset of "I'm going road hunting today" and I never will either. If that's what it ever came to, I wouldn't even consider hunting anymore.

As far as the law that failed legislation, it seemed a little extreme for my liking.