Was listening to a podcast (I don't recall which one, The Flush? Pheasants Forever On The wing?) recently and they were talking guns, patterns, shells, etc. Mentioned that when shooting, some gun brands are designed to "cover up your target" while shooting, and some are designed to "see your target" while shooting. Meaning the brands that are "see your target" will shoot about 6ish inches lower than the "cover up your target" brands. Most gun owners do not know which kind they have... And to be honest, I don't even know what I have. I am not a "gun person" so to say, I am a "I love being outdoors, active, and watching a dog work person." Meaning I just put in the appropriate shot lead or steel ammo and go hunt and hit 50% of my birds. I should probably spend the time to pattern my gun, mess my chokes, and practice in the off-season to increase that number..