Happy b-day Ken. Hope you had a good one.:cheers:
Happy birthday and best wishes.:thumbsup:
Older then dirt, around 18 I think. Had a boring one. Had to go pick up my dog, 6 hr drive. A friend took him to PA for a trial. We walked a public on the way home and never even flushed a sparrow. But got exercise.
Older then dirt, around 18 I think. Had a boring one. Had to go pick up my dog, 6 hr drive. A friend took him to PA for a trial. We walked a public on the way home and never even flushed a sparrow. But got exercise.

Is that dog years( 18x7=126 Thats old) How'd dog do at trails
Happy Birthday Ken, with the website problems yesterday, I missed it. I do hope you have many more and live to be older than me.......Bob

Happy brithday sir. I hope you have many more. I got one coming up very soon. HAPPY BRITH DAY. :cheers:
Ahh heck have a few.:D

That's why they call me the Webguy... I'm a little nuts

Sorry for the late Happy b-day.

Web Guy that beer pic is pretty cool