Happy B=day Dakotazeb

Happy birthday Zeb:cheers:
Good luck at the trials today let us know how the pup did
Hey Zeb! congrats and best wishes.:thumbsup:
Happy Birthday:cheers::thumbsup:
Happy Birthday George. It give me great pleasure to extend theses wishes to you. I hope to see you around for a lot longer....Bob
Happy Birthday!
How did you and Elle do in the NSTRA trial?.........Bob
She did pretty well. I was very pleased. No placements but she scored well on all her finds, retrieves, ground coverage, obedience and backs. I didn't get any backs yesterday as it seemed I was always on the other side of the field when the other dog went on point but today she had 2 great backs. You get a max of 75 points for a back and see very few scores in the 70's. She had a 70 and a 74. If she can just find another bird or two she will get some placements.