Grouse and Hun Opener 2022


Well-known member
Hey all, today was NoDak's Grouse and Hun opener. It was a nice day weather wise, a bit of a wind, but not too terrible. My son Jim and I went to a friends ranch where we start out the season every year. It was a good opener. It took me a couple hours to limit. Jim was just shy of his by one. We each got a double out of a covey rise. I got a single prior to that. Raina (who's going to be 10 this year) did a good job as usual. We got into birds right off the bat, but for some reason they were spooky and wouldn't hold point. Out of the 5 we got only one was an older bird, the rest were young ones. A good sign. Always a great day when I'm out with my boy'. They are my best hunting partners, bar none.

I used my 16b John Wilkes today. This is my opening day gun for grouse


Raina with the days bag. Jim used his 20ga AyA Matador III


We'll see what tomorrow brings!

A quick Sunday hunt today proved productive. I went to one of my go-to spots for Sharptails. After about 15 minutes of walking, I was surprised by some partridge which I had not anticipated seeing in this area. I shot one and the dogs could not find it. It isn't strange for Willow to search briefly before going into heat-seeking mode looking for more birds but it is for Ellie who retrieves nearly everything. They pointed on some more partridge that I am sure were ones from the first bunch that scattered. I hit one more and Ellie retrieved that back to me. I hit a third one a little later and once again this bird alluded the dogs again somehow. Grass was thick but the wind was good and Ellie failed to find it again. When this bird flushed some grouse had also flushed and landed only a couple hundred yards away. We walked over to a spot where a single landed and the dogs pointed on it and I shot that one. We worked the area for about 20 minutes more and got two more grouse for a limit. I took them back to the area where I downed the two partridge and searched some more with no luck. We walked to the truck and headed home.

Saturday, I walked a quarter of grassland that is PLOTS. Both dogs had some false-positive points so I am guessing I was a little late to the party on this piece or the birds vacated for different reasons. It was heating up a bit so maybe they sought more shade. I got one more short walk in after getting a call to help my brother-in-law and got one partridge. It is fun to be back and watching the dogs do. what they love.

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Hey all, went out after Mass today, solo (it does pay to go to Church, BTW). Hunted a spot by the house, and I limited in about 50 minutes. Should have gotten a double on the first group we got up, but alas not. Did double on the next group. These birds (all young) held very well for Addie. Addie did a great job, quartered great and very staunch points. She's a natural!

Used my 16b Hellis today


And the hero of the day, Addie!



Hey GJW, nice images, great dog, good hunting, and your son has a lovely SXS.

Actually, his is the first AYA 20ga double I've seen posted online. My one true love is my Matador II 20, which does not have the engraving, has a sst, and is IC and MOD.

Nice days, wonderful pictures.

Hey all, today was NoDak's Grouse and Hun opener. It was a nice day weather wise, a bit of a wind, but not too terrible. My son Jim and I went to a friends ranch where we start out the season every year. It was a good opener. It took me a couple hours to limit. Jim was just shy of his by one. We each got a double out of a covey rise. I got a single prior to that. Raina (who's going to be 10 this year) did a good job as usual. We got into birds right off the bat, but for some reason they were spooky and wouldn't hold point. Out of the 5 we got only one was an older bird, the rest were young ones. A good sign. Always a great day when I'm out with my boy'. They are my best hunting partners, bar none.

I used my 16b John Wilkes today. This is my opening day gun for grouse


Raina with the days bag. Jim used his 20ga AyA Matador III


We'll see what tomorrow brings!

It looks like you know how to start the year off right! I have a couple of old A.H. Foxes that would look good in one of those photos.
I'm interested in getting a pointer for the Dakotas. I see you have a GSP. Do you have any advice regarding the strengths or weaknesses of that particular breed?
Monday morning reflection: I am stoked at the promising outlook of the upcoming pheasant season. I am not going to lie though, I absolutely get pure joy watching my two dogs be able to range out in the wide open grasslands. Both hold their own in the cattails but it is fun to see them quarter back and forth sometimes ranging 100-200 yards out and then locking on grouse and huns.
It looks like you know how to start the year off right! I have a couple of old A.H. Foxes that would look good in one of those photos.
I'm interested in getting a pointer for the Dakotas. I see you have a GSP. Do you have any advice regarding the strengths or weaknesses of that particular breed?

Thanks for the kinds!!! I do love GSP's. They are a very easy dog to train, loyal as all get out, great watch dogs and wonderful family dogs as well. You need to get one with a good hunting background, a NAVHDA bred if possible. A Field Trail background IMO tend to run too far out and work cover too fast. As far as cons, they need to get a lot of exercise and at times can be a bit pig headed. Other than that, they just hunt.

I'm sure some one will chime in with their take on this breed.

Thanks again!

Hey all, went out by myself today. Went back up to where we hunted on Saturday. Took Addie again, it was Raina's turn to go, but she was limping a bit, so I want her to heal up. Anyway, was able to limit within an hour. The birds I got were all singles, and young birds. It was a good day away from work!

I used my 16b Charles Boswell




And a view of the area I hunted, they like to hang around that woodlot



Hey all, went out today after Mass, couldn't go yesterday, we got some much needed rain (all day). Anyway, was able to limit in less than a couple hours. Two were singles and one was in a big bunch. Adddie did well again! She's a natural!

Used my 16ga FN today, still don't know the model, it was made in 1945 however.





Hey all, went out early today before the wind picked up. Good thing I did. Was able to limit in about 1 1/2 hours. Got a double, then got a single out of a covey that got up kind of wild. Wasn't sure I hit the last one, but over the hill came Addie with it! The wind picked up to about 20 mph by the time I shot the last one. Good day!

I used my 16ga Uggie 1030 today


And.....of course Addie!


This weekend is our duck opener, hope to have some pictures of that to post.


Hey all, went out early today before the wind picked up. Good thing I did. Was able to limit in about 1 1/2 hours. Got a double, then got a single out of a covey that got up kind of wild. Wasn't sure I hit the last one, but over the hill came Addie with it! The wind picked up to about 20 mph by the time I shot the last one. Good day!

I used my 16ga Uggie 1030 today


And.....of course Addie!


This weekend is our duck opener, hope to have some pictures of that to post.


Hi Greg, looks like you are doing okay. What kind of cover have you been finding them? Like your 16 ga. I think we had numerous discussions about 16's on another site years ago.
Hi Greg, looks like you are doing okay. What kind of cover have you been finding them? Like your 16 ga. I think we had numerous discussions about 16's on another site years ago.

Hey DZ, been awhile, good to hear from you again! It's been a good year. G&F said that grouse are down 13%, but I'd never know that. Been seeing quite a few. Been getting young and old birds, so that's not a bad sign.

They've been hanging out in typical Sharpie cover, short grass hills and ridges, short grass prairie. When it's been hot, in brushy draws and brush in general. Have not had much luck in alfalfa fields for some reason.

Good hearing from you again!

Stay well!

Seemed like whether pasture or grass, the various berries were
pretty key. Any fields adjacent to wheat was productive as well. Fallow fields with leftover crops and volunteers of various types were good too…
Seemed like whether pasture or grass, the various berries were
pretty key. Any fields adjacent to wheat was productive as well. Fallow fields with leftover crops and volunteers of various types were good too…

+ 1 the ones I shot were full of buffalo berries and hoppers. Some waste grain also.
Bushes the size of a small car were productive as well…always fun! One covey I stumbled into was hanging in a low spot that was probably under water 60 days earlier….short greenish/yellowish grass, with taller green grass ringing the outside of it…dogs gave it away! It was school land that we weren’t sure of…shot about 12 out of that field total between the 2 of us over the next few days…a section that was surrounded by great private land as well that was huntable…