this can be a hot button issue with me how about some of u?? i know there are a lot of variables but it does come down to greedy behavior sometimes. we are all out to have fun but there are no rules i'm aware of that say every bird that gets up must die??? if u are fortunate enough to have shot your limit early at least stop takeing the first shot. hunt close to people that haven't shot as many maybe u can flush 1 their way. on a multiple day hunting trip some fill possession limits but this to could be done with respect for others. this is a prized game bird with low populations in some states not a species we are trying to get rid of like coyotes/coons/skunks/stray cats etc. if u are board and have some extra shells burning a hole in your vest pollish off some of these please. well i have lit the fuse on what i'm expecting to be quite a shit bomb !!! so support me or give me hell thats what this fine site is about and i hope every one has a safe season see u all on the trail.:cheers: