Great shots

I've always heard the phrase......"butt-belly-beak-bang".......makes sense on forcing the follow through. Works different when we have to add in a bit of lead for distance.
I hunted the 29th at a game farm for a annual outing and shot for 💩.......figured I got it out of my system before the trip out to SD this past week......nope, it followed.
I know what I do when I miss.....I don't keep my head down long enough and I forget the follow through.
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Before steel shot, I was walking down a river levy one snowy, foggy morning when I heard quaking up ahead. The river had been out, so there was water on both sides. I realized that the ducks were on the flooded side, it was an easy stalk. I popped over the levy and 7 black mallards flushed straight up. I pulled up with my 1100 and fired 5 shots. All 7 ducks lay dead. No shots fired on the water. Which reminds me, I crawled hundreds of yards across a pasture that had Brooms edge about a foot tall in it. When I peeked up, I saw more teal sitting there than I've ever saw, literally hundreds. This time I did take a slice before they got up, then shot four more shots.. Then reloaded and emptied it again on crippels. I'm not even going to say how many I drug home that day. But I plucked ducks for a long...long time afterwards. Before you all get to thinking I was a great shot with the old 1100, My buddy and I walked up to my old pointer one time in a wide-open stalk field and both emptied our 12-gauge autos on a big covey of quail and never pulled a feather. . How about some embarrassing stories of shooting skills.
Before steel shot, I was walking down a river levy one snowy, foggy morning when I heard quaking up ahead. The river had been out, so there was water on both sides. I realized that the ducks were on the flooded side, it was an easy stalk. I popped over the levy and 7 black mallards flushed straight up. I pulled up with my 1100 and fired 5 shots. All 7 ducks lay dead. No shots fired on the water. Which reminds me, I crawled hundreds of yards across a pasture that had Brooms edge about a foot tall in it. When I peeked up, I saw more teal sitting there than I've ever saw, literally hundreds. This time I did take a slice before they got up, then shot four more shots.. Then reloaded and emptied it again on crippels. I'm not even going to say how many I drug home that day. But I plucked ducks for a long...long time afterwards. Before you all get to thinking I was a great shot with the old 1100, My buddy and I walked up to my old pointer one time in a wide-open stalk field and both emptied our 12-gauge autos on a big covey of quail and never pulled a feather. . How about some embarrassing stories of shooting skills.
Funny you should bring up an 1100 and embarrassing shots….. I was hunting with a buddy in Iowa in probably 90 or 91. We were walking on either side of a dirty fence line in a very strong wind, both carrying old 1100’s when a big old rooster popped up at about thirty yards. He screamed away then turned on my side to head back with the wind. I don’t remember if we shot six or seven shells at him, but he did not come home with us that day
Funny you should bring up an 1100 and embarrassing shots….. I was hunting with a buddy in Iowa in probably 90 or 91. We were walking on either side of a dirty fence line in a very strong wind, both carrying old 1100’s when a big old rooster popped up at about thirty yards. He screamed away then turned on my side to head back with the wind. I don’t remember if we shot six or seven shells at him, but he did not come home with us that day
Years ago my dad and I were out pond jumping ducks. We saw 5 mallard drakes on a tiny little pond that would be easy to sneak up on. Our approach worked perfectly, but we both shot all three shells and never pulled a feather. We were hunting A LOT back then and both typically shot really well. We just looked at each other and laughed.
I limited out 7 times, had many 2 bird days, and some 1, and some skunk.List many birds,no dog injuries, no human injuries. Had to dump mud 9 times.Got 3 turkeys, 3 snow geese,1 blue goose, one white fronted goose,several mallards.Had a blast as usual. Aren't we all lucky to be able to hunt these spectacular birds.
This involves a rifle instead of a shotgun but it seems to fit the theme.

I used to varmint hunt in the Tucson area a lot. I was out with a friend and we had kicked a rabbit into a slightly more grassy area. We decided on a pincer movement and to head shoot this cottontail and put it in the stew pot. Right before I enter the grassy area (shin high) I heard movement immediately in front of me so I shifted my weight onto my heals as I shifted my gaze downward. What I see is a rattlesnake projecting itself towards me, mouth open fangs out. Fortunately I had shifted my momentum a bit and was able to jump backwards. The snake came about 6" off of my shins with its strike. I naturally created a little more separation from the grass I was entering while screaming in a high pitched non-manly tone. The snake didn't really want any part of me either and headed directly away from me into the grass. I can see the grass moving 10-15 yards away and have been put in a slightly grumpy mood so I fire a single shot from the hip at the swaying grass.

My buddy laughs and asks if I found a snake. I reply yes and inform him in some not so delicate words that we will not be chasing that rabbit through the area. Communication is made to let me know he is going to come around some mesquite and will end up directly in front of me and not to shoot. I warn him that the snake was in that vicinity. Him being an Arizona native he is not deterred and comes around anyways. He locates the snake and it has a single 6 mm hole dead center in its head.

Not a great shot because it was more a fluke than skill, but sometimes it is better to be lucky than good.
Took my 28 on a little combo hunt once. Parked at my dove hunting spot before daylight. Hit the woods next to my spot and shot 5 squirrels. Came back to the truck and cleaned them. Then grabbed my bucket and hit the field. Limited out, had the 12 doves cleaned and was heading home at 11:00. On the way home I was thinking that I shot exceptionally well that day. I always keep my 28 hauls in case I decide to reload, so counted them when I was home. I never missed a shot.
I really like my berreta, but I lost a bunch of roosters with it.
Last weekend I noticed I was hitting a little back. Then yesterday I went 0 for3. I woke up yesterday morning and almost stayed home. Should have listened to my gut. Nah I had to go not too many days left in the season. Oh well it was a pretty nice run
I'm streaky as well.Had a mid season slump, went to the 1187, then the Browning.
Before steel shot, I was walking down a river levy one snowy, foggy morning when I heard quaking up ahead. The river had been out, so there was water on both sides. I realized that the ducks were on the flooded side, it was an easy stalk. I popped over the levy and 7 black mallards flushed straight up. I pulled up with my 1100 and fired 5 shots. All 7 ducks lay dead. No shots fired on the water. Which reminds me, I crawled hundreds of yards across a pasture that had Brooms edge about a foot tall in it. When I peeked up, I saw more teal sitting there than I've ever saw, literally hundreds. This time I did take a slice before they got up, then shot four more shots.. Then reloaded and emptied it again on crippels. I'm not even going to say how many I drug home that day. But I plucked ducks for a long...long time afterwards. Before you all get to thinking I was a great shot with the old 1100, My buddy and I walked up to my old pointer one time in a wide-open stalk field and both emptied our 12-gauge autos on a big covey of quail and never pulled a feather. . How about some embarrassing stories of shooting skills.
You sluiced a duck? Thumbs down!!
I picked up this little beauty a couple of days ago. 20-ga, 28", 3", M/F, in excellent condition at a great price. Model 96, which was a field-grade 101 sans engraving Win made for a few years in the 60's. I figure I will never miss another pheasant again!

The seller had another one on GI in 27" skeet. I prolly should have bought it instead, or simply bought both! Grandkids, you know. :)
