good or bad

What do you guys think about all them illegal immigrants? I've been trying to figure out how many of the European immigrants were legal? Best I can tell not many. That should get you guys fired up:thumbsup: Seems like the gov't every so many years just says you can be Americans. Looks like they started that in the 1850's. I did some research:D So it seems the gov't will never figure it out.
OK now it's time for my opinion:eek: There are legal ways to get in the country use them or get the heck out:eek: That's my two cents:)
What makes you think most European immigrants where illegal ?

I'm cornfused.

I am too. Seems no one can answer if their ancestors came here illegally. Everyone I've asked says they don.t know how the old timers got their citizenship. I'd like to know how it worked back then:) What I've read so far is very confusing.
Heck the whole worlds seems to be sucking off us taxpayers McFarmer.
My relatives came from Europe and did it the legal way. For some reason they never talked about what needed to be done to become a citizen. They just did what they needed to do to become legal Americans and that was that.

With that said, this thread has the potential to become a hot one:eek:. Anyone wanting to post please keep things cool or those magical mod powers will be put into use:D.

Thank you:):cheers:
Either way, I don't think the Country was 17 Trillion in debt at the time.:eek:
Lots of people, including some of my ancestors came through Ellis Island. They were recorded and checked for disease and if they were clean were allowed in to the country!

My ideas on the children crossing the border. I think we should not let them have citizenship or status in our country but we can help to take care of them. The US goes all over the world and helps out people in refugee camps. We provide medical, dental, food, etc. at these camps. Many of it is done by the faith community. Why not set up refugee camps for those kids on the border, the churches will provide for the immediate needs. Then let the politicians figure out how we are going to pay to send them home or help to solve problems in their countries.
Mine came over from Vik, Norway in 1871. Left Bergen on the ship Frigate Bird on April 27th and arrived in Quebec on June 4th same year. Left New York for Nebraska and Colorado. I am sure it was easier to go through whatever process they had back then compared to now. Although not very many government programs to feed and cloth and pay rent and utilities back then, so they got out and worked where ever they could and were self sustaining as best they could. I doubt if there were very many young kids traveling without parents.Looking at the ship records, most were in their 20's. Although, back then when you were 14, you were probably pretty self sufficient by todays standards. If you did not speak or understand the language then it must of been impossible or you learned pretty quick in order to survive. For some it was easier being with large groups that spoke their native language . This is why large neighborhoods popped up like Little Italy, etc etc. It was an easier transition for some.
Then let the politicians figure out how we are going to pay to send them home or help to solve problems in their countries.

Are you kidding me? They can't figure out how to tie their shoes! Oh, I know, let's just raise the debt limit some more and we'll have plenty of money! :eek:
Are you kidding me? They can't figure out how to tie their shoes! Oh, I know, let's just raise the debt limit some more and we'll have plenty of money! :eek:

I know I know! But they have to somehow justify their salaries and their status somehow! Their solution is to always throw money at a problem. I think we have some of the greatest minds and most creative people in the world! Let's figure out a way to do it without spending more and more money. But too many times politicians answers to a problem is more $$$$'s
Thanks for being so civil guys:10sign: 1833 when Moms side came over. Think dads was pre revolution. It is very interesting history figuring out how the gov't handled it back in the day. Seems like they never have a clue what to do with them:) Seems like AG likes the cheap labor. Might be a good place to start enforcing laws:thumbsup:
If you don't think border security is important look at how things worked out for Sitting Bull and Red Cloud. I am thinking I know how they felt.