Forum Moderators


Not me I'm just hanging out.:)
SO, how long do you all think this UPH forum would last without the moderators??

Probably until morning. MAYBE. :cheers:

Takes some work to get rid of all the riff-raff. :thumbsup:
Not me I'm just hanging out.:)
SO, how long do you all think this UPH forum would last without the moderators??

Probably until morning. MAYBE. :cheers:

Takes some work to get rid of all the riff-raff. :thumbsup:

In a given week, on average what are your various activities and actions as a moderator? BTW, thanks for what you do.
We are all so well behaved now, we don't even need you guys! Bring back Shadow and make you guys earn your money!

NO NO NO on bringing back banned people. LOL :D


This sight is a Class act. Thanks to all the Mods and to Web Guy, for keeping it this way. I know and belong to many forums, some I don't visit anymore Because of lack of moderation on the sight.:thumbsup:
We have a good bunch of members on UPH as a whole so we have it easy that way. We're all aware if a trouble maker arrives.
We have to decide which new members are OK to let in, that takes some time, more then half of which are spammers or site building. China, Pakistan, India.:rolleyes:
Porn entrepreneurs love drumming up business on forums.
Any old timers remember what killed the original Pheasant Country Forum?
Ain't gonna happen here.:)

Our reward, knowing that once in a while a new member becomes a worthwhile and valuable contributor. Like you guys, gals.:thumbsup:
Yeah, UPH mods do a very good job at what they do (including you MNMT).

I've visited sites/forums where people treat each other with raw disrespect. It's discussing how some people talk to others.

There's no doubt we have our moments here too.

Anyway, I don't think it would take too long for the site to get flooded with bad blood and spam. I'd give it a few weeks at best.

Thanks again guys for your commitment on holding the site together.:cheers:
great job moderators. most sites mi look at are junk compared to ours:10sign::cheers: if helps you guys any i will try to knock some sense into capt coot next time i see him:D
Those china guys sure are persistent,LOL. went through 13 a day ago, and only 2 were added. We search IP's and user names on other forums to see what they do else where and then make a decision. Most are easy to spot. Once and a while we let a wrong one by. But every one reports it right off. And someone gets to it right away.
really lol wow? to be honest the new mods dont even compare to the old ones on here. theres a reason why the old ones never even say anything anymore people are so cluless makes me shake my head been wanting to say this for sometime just didnt know how to say it without getting shadowed
Yes please post more. You and all mods, past and present. :thumbsup: Idk what that was all about. Punctuation and capitalization might help me figure it out.:cheers:
Yes please post more. You and all mods, past and present. :thumbsup: Idk what that was all about. Punctuation and capitalization might help me figure it out.:cheers:

i don t think it would help you i didn t get it ether:D
You folks do a great job. I belong to several forums, but this one is a class act. Don't fix what isn't broken. And . . . thank you all.
That's one thing about a successful forum. UPH has a good, large group of thoughtful, experienced members. That in itself will police those that contribute nothing but crap.
THANKS Y'all. :cheers:
That's one thing about a successful forum. UPH has a good, large group of thoughtful, experienced members. That in itself will police those that contribute nothing but crap.
THANKS Y'all. :cheers:

you got the crap part right where would this site be without you so glad your on top of things
Nice job, mods. I never see junk on here, so you are clearly doing a good job. I had no idea there was so much work involved in being a moderator.
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no i didnt toad i would never think shooting an eagle was ok better go back and read the thread again page 2 in kansas threads you might get your head out of your *&$^ to associate me with that is pretty sad evidentally you dont know me at all after a few years on the forum
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Lmao! A thread to recognize our great mods and we may need their intervention.:D Ironic?:cheers: