I meant no ill towards you. I was just showing my discontent for the ever rising prices of everything, not just fuel. Mean while the wealthy just keep reporting record profits. Well many suffer because of their greed.
I apologize if I offended you, there was no intent.
OP thank you. It is water under the bridge.
I fully agree with you about corn (or any grain) being used for ethanol production should not be pursued.
My only point about ethanol is. It can be produced from a variety of things. Grains, just happens to be the easiest to use since that technology is old and proven. But very inefficient.
This link will show the oil content break down of various grains.
In addition the link breaks down some of the whole economics behind making (in this case algae ethanol) economically viable.
My personal view is that ethanol is NOT the answer to this countries energy needs, and grain ethanol is not even close. But in order to get to a point that this county has a stable energy source, their-bye creating a more stable economy. US citizens need to have a much better understanding of why the US is and will be oil dependent for a very long time.
I agree the wealthy profit off of the crude oil business. I am a capitalist myself. I have no issues with anyone making money, and my guess is most people on this forum also have no issues with that. What I do have an issue with (and I suspect many other here do as well) is when the information about things are not fully disclosed.
If one becomes aware of what drives the markets, it becomes much easier to make profits.
Bringing this back on point. As long as we as Americans continue to find ways to disagree on things as basic as how to produce more domestic energy. We will continue to pump money into the hands of the wealthy.
What this country truly needs is multiple streams of energy. Not more government assistance for possible ways to do things. With government assistance comes direct government control. It is NOT in the best interests of the US government to stop using crude oil.
Let us Americans pursue Natural gas. Lets pursue coal, it can be done in a way that pollutes less. Lets pursue Nuclear. Of the 104 plants currently in the US. All of them began construction in 1974 or prior...does anyone honestly believe technology has not improved over that period of time? (before I get hammered for that, please read up on
modern nuclear technologies)
Lets pursue wind power, where feasible. Perfect. No not at all. But it does have a place in the scheme of things.
Lets build more dams (had a great one purposed in my state just a couple of years back. Their is no threatened animals that would be displaced. The dam would be build about 50 miles before our states second largest river dumps into the Missouri....would have assisted in recharging ground water...it isn't going to happen)
Lets promote solar where feasible. It has been show to work and use molten salt as a way to store the energy until needed. (not interested in some government's ideal company)
My point is and will continue to be. Grain ethanol is dumb. Not as dumb as pouring money into oil companies but still dumb. It is a feel good thing that congressmen do to "help the American farmer"..which is bs.
Until we, as Americans, get our representatives to follow our directions instead of the lobbyist. We will have very few energy options available. We will have volatile prices in everything we need to buy.
We are all on this forum because we can agree on at least one thing. :thumbsup::cheers: