Follow the fall weather


Active member
Have any of you ever thought or wished you could follow the fall weather....?

A dream retirement plan...start in the northern U.S. or Canada. Then just follow the hunting and weather right down to the southern tip of South America. Then follow it back north.

Even if a person didn't go south of the U.S. I could see myself hunting desert quail in the southwest or maybe California in the winter months. Old man winter doesn't agree with me anymore. I was outside too much yesterday and today I can hardly walk. just part of my illness.

Just need to win the lottery and I will be off on my dream retirement..:)
That's an amazing idea. Start the year off in Alaska hunting sharps, ruffs, spruce grouse , and ptarmigan and work your way south from there to the desert to hunt mearns, scaled, and gambles quail.:cheers:
That would be awesome.
But by the time I could save up enough money to do it, I will be to old to physically do the hunt :(
Part of my dreams of retirement - roaming about hunting and fishing.
I'm retired, just got my third SS check. :)

I'm all hunted out for now, all in all hunted about 70 days or so on 012. Soon though I'll be planning for next year. :thumbsup:

I'm building a wheel fish house. Warm, comfortable and about a 5 minute hookup and go time. Lots of water in this part of MN. I plan to explore some of it.

My Wife and I are going to spend Christmas week in Marina del Rey, CA. Nice to visit the Kids, but I'll be happy to get back to the ranch and Fish house. :cheers: