interesting post and coments- parents should be good hunters- gee ya think
little 16 month spent last season backing him- now he's finding he has to back her- not sure if he's suprised or what- she's starting to shine
he's a sure fired retriever- but when she pins one like this- she thinks she should get the retrieve- she gets there first he lets her pick it up and carry it to me- but he's ready to take over
I haven't trained or taught mine anything- well- behave in the house- maners-
If I thought it necessary, and I might , I'll teach them WHOA- why- because it gives a bit of control in the exciting situations of a bird field- such as one coming up on another on point- or on point when birds are getting up-
btw- no way do I want or allow mine to move arround once they've made point- not even a wiggle- think that comes from only shooting birds that the dog has pinned- you start the moving- taking a step- creeping- circling- all sorts of problems can creep up- nope- when mine lock up- I don't want them moving untill I release them- but I also don't want them standing there when there's no bird arround- like hot scent- stop/freeze/move on
sometimes I can tell when they spin and lock up- and there isn't a bird- release and move on- called reading your dog- they read you also
op was about dog teaching dog- and it's what I've been doing with pups real young for many years- did it with my two pups last year- always ran them with an adult- still do- to me it makes a big difference-
I have started to hunt them by themselves- I like what I see- but I still prefer to hunt a young dog with a good experienced dog- mine
to end up with a real good dog- and hunt with others- you have to establish what is good- and walk away from what isn't
some never figure that out- there aren't many that would hunt there real good dog with an average dog- and there aren't many with an average dog who would hunt with someone with a real good dog