Yet many hunters demand that farmers should run at less than peak effciency so they can shoot a pheasant
It's more than that moe. It's about being stewards of the land. Each of us has a responsibility to our fellow man, and this planet--to keep it well.
Every business has regulations to follow to keep the land and water clean. To do so costs us all $ and a loss of profit.
I remember from one of your posts you take to the field (I believe you said) around 45 times a year. Do you want your children and their children to have the same opportunities? Do you want them to make the same memories your making for yourself today? Do you want them to look up to our creator and give thanks for what He has done? Maybe you don't, but I believe you probably do.
Farmers hold a loaded deck of cards in their hands when it comes to habitat and the future of wildlife. You know this, yet it's all about removing this fence line. Ripping out that fence line. Do everything you have to to make more $.
This attitude in nothing new. But it has become more wide spread with this past generation or two. Profit profit profit. At all costs become more profitable. --this attitude obtains to many farms and businesses today.
Yes profit is good but not when it comes at the cost of our beloved nat'l resources that are hanging on by a thread (at this point).
You are a steward moe, not the official owner of that land. You will not bring that land with you when it comes time to meet your maker. Use the land as you do, just leave some for the rest of creation too. They too need to eat, sleep, flee from danger, and seek shelter.
I've got to get off this computer now. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Let's be thankful for the wildlife we have today!
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