Deuce etiquette


Well-known member
What is the proper etiquette for going number 2 on the farm? In the Army, you dig a 1 8 inch hole.
Seems like if you have to ask you have no etiquette.
i just carry tp. the weather will take care of it. i do try to hide if cover is available. if not . . .
As I have gotten older, I have noticed that a "code brown" can occur even after using the bathroom before leaving the house.

I have taken note of the need to carry paper to complete the required after action report.
(y) Never leave home without it! I carry a roll in my vehicle all the time. I'll bet that roll is 15-20 years old. :)
once i got caught with my pants down . . . wait a minute. once i had to pull my pants down asap. no tp. used snow. not bad.
Cut a paper towel into four squares...just the right size to go in a qt. ziploc and carry in your pocket.
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Huggies wet wipes in a zip lock bag, just 2 or 3, will take care of the problem and leave you refreshed too😏
Are you certain that 2 or 3 is enough complete the required paperwork?

It has been my experience that required paperwork of a pheasant field code brown requires many more pages to properly complete.

The first draft often contains dangling participles. Subsequent drafts are often not without error.

Do you proofread your work?