Define shot size


Well-known member
Guage is easy, but can anyone come up with how to determine shot size. The american version.

No googles, winner gets a hat...or something.
Good luck to you and may the best man win
If you "google" any of the major shell producers, they usually have a graphic that shows size of shot and number of same, in a given shell - either lead,
steel et al.

What's interesting is the number of pellets in varioius shell sizes. Example: 7.5 size in lead (1.25) has 437 pellets. Number 6, same weight, has 281. My graph shows a #7.5 is .095 inches in diameter. A #6 is .110.

This is a Federal graphic that I've had for years...
jonnyB is on the right track
If you know the shot size you can determine the diameter or vice versa

Anyone know the equation?
Not sure about an equation per se, but the graph indicates the following:

If you start with BB @.180 and progress to #9 shot, the difference is .010 between each size. The exception is a 7.5 shell which is slightly larger than the #8.

The pellet count between lead and steel shells varies: #6 shell in lead vs. steel - 40% more pellets in the steel shell, same weight. The percentage(difference) seems to vary 2-3 % between the two types of pellets.

That's my story...
Well jonnyB it looks like you and I were the only ones playing.:D Oh I suppose we can count zeb.:D
17 - shot size= diameter
pm me your adress I'll see if I can figure out how to get a uph hat sent your way. Or if you'd rather I'll just wash one.:D
Hmmm - thanks for the hat offer. I have several that I currently don't wear, but appreciate the thought.

For me, shot size is not as important as the number of pellets in a given shell.
#7.5 vs. 6 or 8 and steel vs lead.

The more pellets in the air the better. I shoot a 12 ga. and 20 ga for clays and find the #8 in the 12 really has a wide open pattern - improved cyl. It's a fixed choke so I can't experiment with cyl.. Too cheap to get screw chokes for this gun (Browning A5, circa 1940).
1 ounce = a Shot and 2 ounces= a Double !!! Pretty sure I am the winner!!!:D
I like your thinking and I think the Gove does as well as my ears are still ringing from two years ago when I last hunted with ole Joe. I know they were stout as it rocked his frame some. He said something about loading his shells like a black powder shooter does, just pour the shot down the barrel.:)
1 ounce = a Shot and 2 ounces= a Double !!! Pretty sure I am the winner!!!:D

Close BB but no cigar,

In Oklahoma the shot size 2oz:p