Crow hunting

I need some good advice guys:) I went crow hunting alot of crows hundreds of them, but I missed. What are the secerts to getting them in close? I have a caller but no decoys:( Will it work if I cut some out of plywood? Thanks for the help guys:thumbsup:
borrow mine that way when i get all my goose decoys and hunting blinds back i will have a full truck load:cheers:

You don't even know what a crow looks like:D There probably pink flamingos. Full truck but you'll lock yourself out of it. Beware blackcloud someone on here gave me an Idea what to put in your work truck:eek: Hope you don't have nightmares:D
Coot, get a deke. The best shoot I had was when I shot one and the dog ran out to get it and the damn thing made some god awful sounds, which brought every crow from miles and the sky was black , dive bombing the dog. I kept shooting and it did not bother them, they wanted that dog!!!!!!! Piles of crows, as I ran out of shells!!!:cheers:
Did some of that yesterday . Its a hoot to cripple one and than it to a fence pole . You can just cut the elec caller off.
I need some good advice guys:) I went crow hunting alot of crows hundreds of them, but I missed. What are the secerts to getting them in close? I have a caller but no decoys:( Will it work if I cut some out of plywood? Thanks for the help guys:thumbsup:

Coot my friend, Borrow Blackclouds Foxpro. Call them in on some corn cobs and a mojo. Then make the trip to az. and shoot Ravens. They are all over this state and Bigger than crows. :D
there is NO WAY i will lend out my foxpro. the coot had to buy his own. hey coot what did you put on my tires. my garage reeks:mad: if you didnt put something on my truck tires there is something seriously wrong with Jake.
there is NO WAY i will lend out my foxpro. the coot had to buy his own. hey coot what did you put on my tires. my garage reeks:mad: if you didnt put something on my truck tires there is something seriously wrong with Jake.

It's the fox lotion, he had to do somthing with it since, you busted him before florida. duh Get him coot. lol:D:cheers:
When I shot crows in MN. We used a call at first and set out a OWL decoy. The crows came in they made so much racket crows from miles away came flying in. We had a blast shooting them. But now better check in some states they are protected. I know we cannot shoot them here in Washington............Bob
there is NO WAY i will lend out my foxpro. the coot had to buy his own. hey coot what did you put on my tires. my garage reeks:mad: if you didnt put something on my truck tires there is something seriously wrong with Jake.

It's a combo of Browndogs and the hairy ones pee:eek: Let me tell you hairys pee is bad a female dog that lifts her leg to pee not good:D

I'm for sure to kill all crows I shoot at if I'm going to try and wound one:D That sounds like a great idea:thumbsup: I can't wait to tie one up:)
I need some good advice guys:) I went crow hunting alot of crows hundreds of them, but I missed. What are the secerts to getting them in close? I have a caller but no decoys:( Will it work if I cut some out of plywood? Thanks for the help guys:thumbsup:

Just curious, what does one do with crows after shooting them? Are they good to eat?
Just curious, what does one do with crows after shooting them? Are they good to eat?

they actually arnt that bad to eat lol. i kno it sounds crazy but ive had it a few times and its not as bad as you would think it is. we usually just shoot um and leave em for the coyotes.
I'm with bob, get an owl decoy it drives crows nuts. Around here our post office takes crows and ships them to some lab for diease testing. A lot of them carry west Nile virus.
16 pieces of green pepper
16 cherry tomatoes
8 button mushrooms
8 ears of sweet corn
1 1/2 cups of Teriyaki sauce
1/2 cup melted butter
8 kabob skewers
Cut each piece of crow in half and place in a covered bowl with the Teriyaki sauce over night. Clean and cut each ear of corn into 3 pieces. Cook in boiling salt water for 10 minutes. Alternately put corn (3 pieces), green peppers (3 pieces) and cherry tomatoes (3) along with 4 pieces of crow meat on each skewer. Use 1 mushroom to top each skewer. Brush with melted butter and place on preheated grill for about 4 minutes. Flip, butter again and place back on grill for another 4 minutes. Repeat one last time for a total of 12 minutes or until they appear done. Serves four adults.

Country "C" Medallions
submitted by Marta Hnizda

24 pieces of crow breast meat (no bones) (12 crows)
2 medium onions (chopped)
6 tblsp of oil
5 slices of bacon (chopped)
1 big or 2 small turnips (peeled & chopped)
1/3 of celery root (peeled & chopped) - note: substitute with celery
3 tblsp wet mustard
1 tblsp lemon juice
salt, pepper to taste
dash of paprika
2 bay leaves
2 juniper berries - note: substitute with allspice
1 tblsp Majorjam (crushed)
1 heaping tblsp of mayonnaise
Sauté onions and bacon in oil until golden. Add meat, spices and sauté some more. Add vegetables and the rest of the ingredients except mayonnaise. Add enough water to keep the meat almost covered. Simmer slowly, adding water as it evaporates. In about 3 hours you will see that the meat is soft enough to cut with a fork. Take the meat out and place on heated platter or dish to keep warm. Remove the bay leaf and put all the gravy (about 2 cups) in a blender and blend. When thoroughly blended, add mayonnaise and blend shortly.
Add gravy to meat and serve over rice with a winter salad. Serves four adults.

Pan Fried Crow
submitted by Chris Thompson

2 eggs
seasoned bread crumbs or flour
oil or bacon grease
Remove breast meat from as many crows as desired. Beat with meat mallet (for tenderizing). Dip pieces in beaten egg and then in bread crumbs or flour. Fry in oil in hot skillet. Bacon grease can be substituted by can smoke. Leave inside a tad pink.

Crow Creole
submitted by George Carpenter

2 medium onions
2 fresh chilies chopped
2 ribs celery
3 cloves garlic minced
¼ pound butter
16oz. chicken broth
1 can whole tomatoes
1 small can tomato paste
8oz. ketchup
1/8 teaspoon white pepper
1/2 tablespoon Cajun seasoning
1 tablespoons hot pepper sauce
1/2 tablespoons garlic sauce
1/4 tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon Tabasco sauce
1/2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon chopped fresh thyme
1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 pound (12 pieces, or so) crow breast chopped into bite-sized pieces
Brown the crow breasts in a skillet with butter or oil. When browned, place them in a Sauté onion, celery, chilies and garlic in butter until tender. Add the above ingredients and all of the remaining ingredients to a crock pot and cook on low for 6-7 hours.

To serve, heap about 1 cup of rice in the center of the plate, and ladle a generous amount of the sauce around it. Garnish with fresh chopped parsley.

Crow Casserole

12 pieces of crow breast meat (no bones) (6 crows)
2 quart sauerkraut
6 slices of bacon
1/3 cup of chopped onions
Brown the crow breasts in a skillet with butter or oil. When browned, place them in a casserole dish on 1/2 inch layer of sauerkraut. Lay a 1/2 strip of bacon on each 1/2 breast and sprinkle the onion on them. Next, add another layer of sauerkraut and some of the juice. Bake at 350 degrees for 2 hours. Makes 2 servings.

Crock Pot Crow

12 - 16 pieces of crow breast meat (no bones) (6 - 8 crows)
2 cups barbecue sauce
1 cup water
1/3 cup of brown sugar
1/3 cup of chopped onions
1/3 cup of chopped green peppers
salt and black pepper to taste
Shred crow breasts into as small pieces as possible. Add to crock pot with all other ingredients. Cook in crock pot for 6 hours on low. Serve over rolls or bread. Makes 4 servings.

Crow In A Blanket

4 pieces of crow breast meat (no bones) per person
wild rice
bacon strips
salt and black pepper
Rub each crow breast piece with salt and pepper. Wrap each piece with a strip of bacon and place 2 wrapped pieces in aluminum foil. Cook at 300 degrees for 2 hours. Serve hot with steamed wild rice, generously buttered.

BBQ Crow

10 crow breasts
BBQ sauce
2 onions
Tabasco sauce
Place crow meat in a deep pan. Pour as much BBQ and Tabasco sauce as desired over the crow meat. Let marinate for at least 2 hours. Slice onions into thin slices and push out the centers to make rings. Place onions in skillet and place crow breasts over onions. The two flavors will combine while cooking. Put skillet on stove and cook until onions are brown and meat is tender. Serve crow over the onions.

Matthews Magic Stew

20-24 crow breast pieces (10-12 crows)
1 bag of celery
2 onions
2 pounds of baby carrots
2 cans of beef consume
1 cup flour
Chop up celery and onions. In a crock pot, place two alternating layers of meat -onions -celery -and carrots. Pour both cans of consume into pot. Let cook for 6-10 hours. A half hour before you are ready to serve, remove about 5-6 cups of liquid and mix with 1 cup of flour for a thickener. Mix all contents (stew & thickener) well. Let stand for half an hour, season with salt & pepper to taste, and enjoy. This recipe works well with almost all game (and non-game) animals. Some that I have tried are Deer, Squirrel, Rabbit, Pigeon, Duck, Goose, Bear, and Beaver.

"So good you'll want to slap your mother-in-law"
submitted by Jim Anderson

16 pieces of crow breast meat (no bones) (8 crows)
16 pieces of jalapeno peppers (or banana peppers)
16 strips of bacon
1 1/2 cups of Teriyaki sauce
Place breast meat in a covered bowl with the Teriyaki sauce over night.
Cook the breasts in boiling water for about five minutes. Cut up fresh
jalapeno peppers into circles (or use the store bought kind that come in
jars). Place one jalapeno pepper in the center of each breast and wrap with
bacon. Secure the bacon with a round toothpick. Cook on the grill until
bacon is crisp (not burned). Flip the breasts constantly to avoid the fat
catching on fire. Use banana peppers for people that don't like their food
quite so hot.
Serves four adults

Crow Bean Roast
submitted by Robert Cobb

6-8 Fresh Crow Breasts
1 - 2lb. Package of Red Beans (that's pinto beans for you northerners)
Cooking oil or Bacon grease
Baking soda
Chopped Onions
Chopped Bell Peppers
Garlic powder or garlic salt
Place a tablespoon of Cooking Oil or Bacon Grease in a crock pot, add a tablespoon of Baking Soda, pour the beans in and fill the crock pot 1/2 - 3/4 full of water and stir to mix the baking soda and oil. Add the Crow
Breasts and add the other ingredients (amounts determined by taste preference). Finish filling with water, turn crock pot to high setting and allow to cook for a minimum of 6 hours, adding water as needed. Serve hot, but be careful, this one will make ya wanna slap yo momma!!!


Your can easily make crow decoys from wire coat hangers and old black socks or black trash bags.
Bend the hanger in the shape of a crow...stretch the old sock or trash bag over the hanger...stuff with newspaper....tie off with black thread.
You can hang them in a tree by leaving the hanger hook on top or stick them in the ground with the straightened out hook on the bottom.
Find a spot on the edge of a field on a hilltop where you can see an owl decoy on a stump or hay bale....arrange about ten crow decoys on ground and in trees around it....hide well and within
I have killed many crows with this set up.
I have found that dead crows on the ground do not scare the approaching crows, but seem to attract them.
I no longer care to kill crows, but this really worked back in the old days when I did.