
Hobie1026 Contact the Colorado Trappers Association. They will have some kind of list of fur buyers for you to look at.

2013 Fox Pro’s Midwest Coyote Calling Event Final Results
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FOX PRO”s Midwest Coyote Calling Event
2013 Final Results
Nikon Class Results
1st. N39 Edis/Lovitt - Mullen, Ne. ................................18
2nd. N57 Freund/Hayes - Coldwater & Wilmore, Ks....17
3rd. N10 Lubbers/Kunkel - Brownell & Wichita, Ks......15
4th. N70 Kravig/Kravig - Lamar & Karval, Co...............14
5th. N35 Phillips/Seelhoff - Burlington, Co....................13
6th. N33 Hilt/Raile - St. Francis, Ks...............................12
7th. N72 Cure/Webel - Goodland, Ks.............................11
8th. N12 Mahar/Rice - Gothenburg, Ne..........................10 - 335.3 lbs.
9th. N79 Kramer/Houser - Junction City, Ks...................10 - 299.4 lbs.
10th. N38 Guernsey/Smith - Benkelman & Sidney, Ne..10 - 273.4 lbs.
11th. N49 Orth/Moyer - Ulysses, Ks...............................10 - 267.3 lbs.
12th. N69 Sharp/Terrell - Wray & Kirk, Co......................10 - 263.8 lbs.
13th. N80 Fiscus/Kuntz - Merino & Sterling, Co..............10 - 227.4 lbs.
Hornady Class Results
1st. H10 Reid/Neiblock - Brewster, Ks. .........................9
2nd. H46 Ginther/Armknecht - Atwood & Hays, Ks........6 - 170.3 lbs.
3rd. H29 Brau/Herl - Denver & Aurora, Co.....................6 - 158.6 lbs.
4th. H36 Mendenhall/Thompson - Ulysses, Ks...............5 - 129.8 lbs.
5th. H11 White/Keller - Yuma & Wray, Co......................5 - 101.1 lbs.
6th. H15 Leighton/Schmidt - Scott City, Ks.....................4 - 130 lbs.
7th. H16 Fonte/Schafer - Wray, Co. ...............................4 - 108.6 lbs.
8th. H2 Elmore/Stark - Milliken & Berthoud, Co...............4 - 96.3 lbs.
9th. H33 Straky/Hunter - Olathe & Garden City, Ks.........3
Big Dog Results
1st. N12Marhar/Rice - Gothenburg, Ne. .....................39.7
2nd. N48 Hill/Loveall - Bucyrus & Olathe, Ks...............38.6
3rd. N10 Lubbers/Kunkel - Brownell & Wichita, Ks......38.4
4th. N34 Weeden/Hilt - Elkhart & Overland Park, ks... 37.4
5th. N39 Edis/Lovitt - Mullen, Ne..................................37.2
6th. N74 Espy/Platt - Saratoga & Evanston, Wy...........36.2
7th. H43 Corman/ Colglazier - Burlington, Co...............35.9
8th. N28 Unruh/Hayzlett - Lakin, Ks..............................35.2

Little Dog Results
1st. H42 Beikman/Ebert - Norton, Ks................................17.1
2nd. N63 Rockwell/Collins - Wray, Co...............................17.4
3rd. N72 Weibel/Cure - Goodland, Ks...............................18.2 - 11 coyotes
4th. N26 Keller/Rockwell - Wray, Co.................................18.2 - 4 coyotes
5th. N33 Hilt/Raile - St. Francis, Ks...................................18.8 - 12 coyotes
6th. N20 Gallagos/Gallagos - Wray, Co.............................18.8 - 7 coyotes
7th. N47 Brandon/Myers - Anselmo & Broken Bow, Ne.....18.8 - 6 coyotes
8th. N39 Edis/Lovitt - Mullen, Ne.........................................19.2
Zombie Dog Results
1st. N36 Rye/Stull - Sterling & Iliff, Co. .........................2
2nd. N57 Freund/Hayes - Coldwater & Wilmore, Ks.....1 - 17 coyotes
12 Zombie Dogs killed out of 439 coyotes
What the heck is a zombie dog?
Be careful how you shrug coyotes off as not a problem for your hunting dog! I have run into many coyotes while upland hunting. They always run away. But i have had numerous occasions in my yard where the coyotes are coming to the house looking for an easy meal. They have chased my dogs and I have watched in horror as others waiting in the woods join the chase. These critters are killing machines, do not underestimate them. Without a rifle and some quick thinking I would have lost one of my Golden Retrievers to a coyote right in my own yard. Typically they come in the dead of winter. I imagine they get hungry when the rabbits and mice get scarce. My advise, if they can get into a chicken coop, they might find ways to get into a dog kennel.
On youtube they have videos showing people using walker coonhounds and greyhounds for coyote hunting. They use 3-4 dogs at a time.
I've seen guys run them with Whippets, a coyote is no match for 3 20lb dogs. You wouldn't beleive it from the looks of them but whippets can TCOB.
I'd like to see that.

I must admit it was pretty cool. We have some cattle pasture out here that is huge tracts of flat land. They run them out there. They can over take a coyote pretty damn fast one of the dogs jumped 3 strand barbed wire fences instead of slowing down to go underneath. Quite a show.
Here is the copy actually, MN in blue. I have never seen a 17 -20 lb yote ever from ours. Some here believe they are a hybrid from wolves and yotes or a red or brush wolf. They are certainly bigger. MN, how they get the average? probably not from shooting them around MN?? Might be trap study and most likely young not so smart animals. Smaller ones may be smaller sub species or young yotes. I would agree around here that the higher # in that average in this area sounds closer. None the less they are a bad critter. Coon hounds work well when chasing "A" yote during the day. But our dogs were singled out trailing a coon, alone, by more then 1, in the dark, in the woods.;)

  • secure all garbage containers, wildlife feeders, and other food sources to prevent coyote access
  • confine small dogs and cats in kennels, or supervise them when outside
  • vaccinate all pets for rabies, distemper, parvo, and other diseases, as recommended by a veterinarian
  • consider installing coyote-proof fencing
  • harass (by chasing, shouting, etc.) any coyotes that do not immediately run from people
  • do not feed coyotes
  • do not leave pet food outside
  • do not allow cats and small dogs outside, unattended
  • .( Males weigh 25 to 45 pounds; females, 22 to 35 pounds)
Did you know that

  • coyotes typically grow up to 75–87 centimeters (30–34 inches)in length and on average, weigh from 7–21 kilograms (15–46 pounds)
  • northern coyotes are typically larger than southern subspecies, with the largest coyotes on record weighing 74¾ pounds (33.7 kg) and measuring over five feet in total length. Wow!
  • mountain coyotes tend to be dark furred while desert coyotes tend to be more yellowish in color
  • the gestation period lasts from 60 to 63 days and litter size ranges from 1 to 19 with an average of six pups
Here's one coyote fact that I was glad to find. Coyote attacks on humans are uncommon and rarely cause serious injuries, due to the relatively small size of the coyote. Apparently there is only one recorded fatal attack on a human.
Coyotes are presently the most abundant livestock predators in western North America, causing the majority of sheep, goat, and cattle losses.
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Here is another photo of some most likely Nth yotes. They look bigger then 20 lbs to me.:D Midwest is a big area to people. This is the basic build of my new yote rifle, then I will go weigh a few for the MN DNR.:D At least the 3 on the right are good sized more average found here. They will eat my springers and thats enough reason for me. LOL
This from so claimed experts cool,: quote:

The average lifespan of a coyotes is 8 to10 years in the wild. Coyotes weigh 20 to 45 pounds and stand 23-26 inches at he shoulder. Large males will exceed 50 pounds and in northern habitats they can even reach 60 pounds or more. The largest coyote ever recorded (shot in Alberta Canada) weighed in at 74 ¾ pounds. Northern coyotes tend to be a little larger than southern coyotes and may have longer legs, due to the fact that northern coyotes have a 10 to 15% mix of timber wolf genetics.

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Lets see if we can find more dogs caught in traps info or dogs attacked or killed from yote info? Better keep trappers out there:thumbsup: Here is one in my back yard, DL is minutes away, very graphic for those squeamish guys. And a few more, check em out and not all small dogs. And in your yards. Kids u name it. I worry more about a coyote getting my dog while out to p then a trap.

Great Dane dead.

Kid attacked.

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Cooper and Ruff Ruff my Black Labs in their prime weighed in at over 90 pounds each. They had at least a half dozen confirmed Coyote kills. Mostly in March April during calving. Yotes would get nervy and come into the ranch yard.
Cooper and Ruff TOTALLY hated Yotes and would tear them apart. :)
