We can argue about this all day. But we are really not that far apart. Absolutely Osha, the EPA, Lead based paint regulations, asbestos, all of those things have become overly intrusive and cut into our bottom line severely. All of those need to be reined in. Add to that the any federal money we get is subject to Davis Bacon Rules. It sucks. It takes up a bunch of my time. All of those things when started were needed. OSHA came about because rich developers would subject there workers to unsafe working conditions to further there bottom line. Ever watch a trench collapse and see a couple guys crushed in an unsafe, un shored trench? I have. The problem is once created it became just another poorly run governmental agency. I work with many from the green sector. It is pretty big in the area where I work. Has it's own name. The Geen Impact Zone. It is the pet project of Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver. Your right it is a joke. It was a collossal waste of taxpayer money. But many of the offshoots of it have worked. Slowly but surely this area is getting a little better. I agree the carbon footprint thing is kinda goofy. Green energy, solar,wind etc are not going anywhere. Sure coal is cheaper. Sure corn for fuel is probably a bad Idea. There is no way you can be convinced pumping all kinds of crap into the atmosphere is a good idea. Something will have to give. We have only been doing this for a hundred years or so. Nobody really knows what the damage is. Me and you will probably never know.
I could not agree more with you. We are on the same page. Osha Has made our job much safer. How ever their meddling in fines and inpections are overbearing at times. I do like some of them that are reasonable. How ever Most are overbearing, power hungry jerks. LOL I do agree that they have helped lower Job sight injuries and deaths.
And No I have never seen some one in a trench Cave In. I have always required trenching to be done to what osha requires. Even before they required it. I don't want anyone on my job sights hurt or killed. :cheers: