Cattail Slough Elimination

Yes he has the right. All I'm saying is that he got crp payments which is tax payers money.Not sure what he did with it but it is income to be used by him; as he sees fit. Just wish it could have been used differently.This land more than likely has been paid for many years ago,but can't state that as fact. As far as the wetland drainage unless there was a existing tile it should not have drained.
Per acre the example, loss was about $43 an acre per year. A live pheasant is worth about $50 or more if we want to put a real cost on it. Lately land has probly gone up that much a year.
Hang in there, shoot some birds and sell when you are 80 at a profit!!!!:D:D
Jaguar Xjr-14 Specifications
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I hate to see the cat tail sloughs disappear. I think prolonged dry spells have more to do with it then anything. Encourages land owners to get in there and burn, disk, or cut it and bale it up. Seems silly to destroy cat tails to get rid of black birds. The vast majority of the damage to sunflowers is caused by migrating flocks. I think the best cat tail wetlands are the ones with about 1/2 open water.
An estimated 60,000 acres of cattail sloughs, in North

How long do you think it will take them to figure out that cattails in sloughs probably play a key role in filtering out contaminants from reaching the water tables???

I don't have a precise time frame but it will not be soon and the cost to figure it out will be very expensive. After all, it is the government.