Catch the U.S. Pheasant Open on The Sportsman Channel

I've run in several Gun Dog Challenges and they are somewhat similar to the Pheasant Open. What I don't like about them is that it's all based on time. The faster you get the birds the higher the score. Way too much emphasis is placed on time and not enough on the dog work or shooting ability of the shooter. Now after having run 7 braces in two NSTRA trials I can say they are a much better venue. But each to their own. If you like the concept of running & gunning to shoot as many birds as you can in the least amount of time then the Gun Dog Challenges and Pheasant Opens would be the way to go. If you value the work of the dog in a closer to hunting type situation then give NSTRA a try. But remember, NSTRA is only for recognized pointing breeds.

doesnt that make it a judged type of event left to more opinion? Therefore leading to controvercy? probably
There's no variables when its timed only
Just food for thought
I watched the program a couple of times and found it interesting in the respect to the dog work. Outside of the dogs the program had nothing to do with pheasant hunting that I have done for the last 45 years. They might as well used guinea hens and called the program, Find the Chickens. I wonder how well these dogs would do on wild birds. Not well I suspect. Shooting weak flying bird that you have to kick out of the grass after they have had their heads tucked under their wings and calling it sport is somewhat disturbing to me. I must admit I have done the same thing when training a puppy but to show it on TV and making a big deal out of it, I just don't get it. But each his own.
It's far better then watching deer, turkey, bass...deer, turkey, bass...deer, turkey bass.

If their hunting any kind of upland or waterfowl. I'm watching it and "Liking" it. I may not enjoy the high five big kill number shows as much as the full spectrum of hunting program. I truly enjoyed the program myself
Onpoint, I'm glad you like it as I said to each his own. I just don't think it has anything to do with upland hunting. At least any that I get involved in.
well chip just so you no they only put the pointers to sleep so the bird hold and by the time you get out there their are up flushers get shaked at little get plunged lab female run this game. and akc hunt test you should come out and hunt be hind her or my buddies dogs that do the same . then you can make the dission on if they can hunt . we go to iowa every year so if you want grab your sh&t come on out.
I just watched there show. There was a good looking woman with a great looking lab. Her goal was 4 birds which she got without fireing a single shot. The dog trapped all four. It's not the dogs fault but this kind of show is pathetic.
yeah i watched that too. its not very informative on how it all works mostly just watching the dog work. I'm not trying to bash the sport I plan on participating this coming fall I just think the show could be set up a little better showing the sport better.
Chip, you said you watched it a couple of times and didn't like it. Now you post your watching it again.

One question, why are you watching it?

If I don't like something, I turn the channel.
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Onpoint, since there were some guys defending the show I thought maybe I was to harsh on my opinion of the program. I just thought I would give it another go.
No problem Chip, I'm much like you in the fact you will never replace wild birds in fair chase regular bird season but I have to get my fix and this Pheasant competition really helps get my meds for the day...LOL

Be good, Chuck
Well, I had to see what the fuss was all about, so I set the DVR to record this in the event that it played again. It aired over the weekend and I watched it yesterday.

Considering that this was a "championship" and it was aired on national TV, I was really excited about watching it. What a HUGE disapointment.

The dog work was the most disappointing. Outside of the lab, that is. Most dogs weren't even honest with their birds, much less broke to wing (yes, I understand that might "slow them down"). Terrible retrieving. No stop to flush, and a rediculous amount of chasing birds. To the point that I was certain I was going to see a dog shot on several occassions. Birds that fly that weak coupled with dogs that chase that much = recipe for disaster. Speaking of safety... Literally running with a loaded shot gun. Not even pointed in the air mind you, but at waist level. :confused:

I'm honestly considering saving it as mandatory viewing for any youngster/novice/first timer who wants to hunt over my dogs. Several great examples of what NOT to do.

I know this stuff goes on and to each his own. But billing it as some type of "hunting championship" and then placing it on TV? Really?
I have generally given up on the pheasant shoots for many of the reasons pointed out here. Birds don't flush, the running etc. Having said that and competeing at the Open for 5-6 events, there were some good days there where the birds flew and I got some nice dogwork.
One of the problems at horse and hunt is the cover and varience in the different fields. Some of the birds are planted under dead xmas trees if there is no grass about. I have had 3 of 4 birds run out of bounds once too. I had first place locked up once but a wild flush put the 4th bird out of the field when I had three in the bag under 4 minutes.
Another time in the two gun 6 bird event we were in a perfectly rectangular field with the gate at the downwind end, wind blowing in our faces. Nice day and I figured we would get to the far end as quickly as possible and head up so we would catch all the birds. Got one on the way down and were fifty yards from the gate where we stared before we hit another one. We then put 5 birds in the bag in about two minutes. Pheasants usually do not bunch at these events tho Chukkar and quail will. I do not think they were all planted that tight, but they were all in front of the gate. We were done in 8 minutes but 5-6 minute times were coming out of the better field where the launch was into the wind. Bad luck or bad strategy but the birds were flying and none were missed. Pudelpointer Ace was a fast little bitch in these events and her retrieve was awesome. She ran as hard retrieving as she did hunting.
Most of these dogs are pretty good in the field by the way. You can lose some steadiness in these events, particularly on a young dog so keep that in mind if you participate.
chip all thou iagree on the running if you have never done it dont knock it. I have enter many events and have never heard of any body getting hurt or hurting any body else. also YOU have never ran with agun inyour hand?? There a old saying when the tail gate drops the BS stop so any time you think my tournament dog can not keep up with real wild bird just say the word and find out for yourself.
Surely you're not suggesting that shooting liberated birds is comparable to hunting wild birds.
NO Not at all but anybody thinks that a tournament dog can not hunt wild can hunt with me any time to prove them wrong.