Casual Packer fan...but


UPH Guru
Been decades since I was a rabid sports fan of any team, but I've always enjoyed watching the Green Bay Packers play, and admired them even with (and bothered to pay attention to) the comings and goings of players.

Like so many others, I think Aaron Rodgers is a superlative quarterback, and depending on his longevity, may be the stuff of legends. He is calm, collected, cerebral, and very attuned to the plays and the game itself.

But you know, I don't get excited watching the team play. I miss Brett Farve. I'm not looking for any argumentative discussion, but Farve was exciting to watch, to scramble, to pull it out of the fire, to bounce around like a sand-lot player having fun doing a great job.

You never really knew what was coming next. Perhaps not a good thing in the eyes of the football expert, but to me, as a casual fan, he was a hoot to watch.

A week ago or so, I found myself channel-surfing between the Packer game and the Philadelphia dog show ! Now, c'mon, that just never would have happened when Farve was at Green Bay.

Rodgers may, in fact, be adjudged a better quarterback, but he's not nearly the fun that Farve was. I miss him.

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Favre did have that ablity to keep you watching. But I like the less drama game. 12 is just plan good. I like both QB's two totally different styles same results:thumbsup: When will the pack and Farve kiss and make-up so Farve can make it in the PACKERS Hall of fame:thumbsup:?
Favre throwing interceptions in critical times was a fun killer. Rodgers doesn't do that. 58 second march down the field on Sunday was a perfect example of what Rogers (and the recievers) are capable of.

I do agree Favre was fun to watch though when he wasn't throwing interceptions. His recent drama queen bs clouds anything he did in the fields though.
OK Kismet, but if you are really a Favre fan you would have watched him plany for the Vikes the first year too. Well? I know it must have been hard being from Wiscony......:D

My wife and I were just talking about how fun a season that was.
Favre was very very good when he had pro bowl receivers and great offensive line. Rogers is very very good with his pro bowl receivers and great offensive line.
Green Bays success isn't all Rogers. Lot of it is though.:)
The Packers are ranked dead last in a popularity pole in our house. I would even use the word Hate and that's a strong word. We blame it on several mouthy arrogant Packer fans that just don't know when to shut their yap. By the way, Farve is and will always be one of the greatest men to ever play the game and we enjoyed nothing more then watching him take it to those who were ungrateful fans from Wisconsin. Remember when Randy Moss mock mooned the packer fans after a TD. It was only in retaliation for arrogant fans from Wis. doing the same thing to the whole Vikings team as they left the stadium. IMO Rogers doesn't make a pimple of Farves butt. Farve was exciting, respectful and professional. Among other things..a HUNTER..

Politics and trash talking Packer fan(friend of 35 years) cost us that friendship. Maybe that's why I have such a bitter taste in my mouth about this subject.

I'll get off my soup box now.
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Funny this topic was brought up. As I was watching the game on Sunday I kinda felt the same thing. You knew Rodgers was going to win in the last minute, very little doubt in my mind. But the for me the drive lacked excitement. The thing with Farve is as great as he was to watch throw balls that shouldn't be thrown, and make it work, you always knew there was a chance he was going to Phuck up. That was the danger factor. Decision wise, and running the offense wise, I think Rodgers is the better Quaterback. I think Rodgers will win several Rings. But I would rather watch Farve in his prime over Rodgers anyday. I think it is kinda like watching a car wreck..... you just can't look away.
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You take sports way to serious. Respectful might not be the first word I'd use for Favre.

P.S. Is it arrogant if I say the packers are the best because they kind of are. Or that they have won more national championships than any team. Or that they won the last superbowl and the first.
Oh c'mon folks...

isn't there anything that doesn't get people angry? This was supposed to be a nice, congenial comment.

Santa's listening, you know.:D
Wisturkeyhunter you're going to wake the angry viking fan:eek: I'm always happy because know santas watching:thumbsup: Now that SOB better bring me some presents this year:mad::D
You take sports way to serious. Respectful might not be the first word I'd use for Favre.

P.S. Is it arrogant if I say the packers are the best because they kind of are. Or that they have won more national championships than any team. Or that they won the last superbowl and the first.

I rest my least I can prove it's not a isolated case I was dealing with. We don't buy any Wis. made products in our house also. Vermont Cheddar, Land O Lakes American from Mn, Mn beer(Grain Belt Premium, Schells,), Etc.;):cheers:
Like I said too serious. Losing a friend over sports. wtf

If I was forced to drink grain belt I'd probaby give up on having fun too. Fat tire out of Colorado is a good one thats available most everywhere since your so anti wi.

Funny that stating facts makes me Arrogant. Not like I said they were unbeatable(they are far from that).

Ps. Land o lakes has at least one plant in Wisconny.
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Oh c'mon folks...
I'm having fun and to be honest I can't fathom getting upset over a sports team I have no control over or somebody elses comment about the same. People jab each other in the name of sports all the damn time. I guess some can't handle it. Guess I'm not forced by geography to root for a team thats so good at losing though. AKA purple ain't my thing. :D
Like I said too serious. Losing a friend over sports. wtf

If I was forced to drink grain belt I'd probaby give up on having fun too. Fat tire out of Colorado is a good one thats available most everywhere since your so anti wi.

Funny that stating facts makes me Arrogant. Not like I said they were unbeatable(they are far from that).

Ps. Land o lakes has at least one plant in Wisconny.

Seriously, sports was just the tip of the ice berg. Your persistence to keep this little non serous thing going, much like his was what lead to all the problems between myself and friend of 35 years. I never said you were arrogant once, those are your words. Must be a Wis. thing. I'm not upset in the least. So don't anybody go moderator crazy and make this something it's not.

wisturkeyhunter, you have a very Merry Christmas and a great day. Carry on men(and women if there are any on here).
My Wife is a die hard Packer fan. So we watch every Packer game, sometimes 3-4 times:eek: You can do that with the NFL channel.:eek:
I'm still a Viking fan, hoping for Wilfs to clean house [coaches] Hire Brian Billick as coach/general manager. Vikings haven't had a "REAL" NFL coach since Burnsey I guess.:(
I loved watching Favre and the Pack play but you always had that heart attack thing going on with every pass he threw. He won plenty of games that way and he also cost us some too. I was one of the haters of the move to release him and turn the reigns over to Rodgers but thankfully I can say I was wrong. In the end, it is all about winning and I love the way Rodgers goes about his business and just plain wins(lacking excitement or not). Accuracy is what makes a qb successful in the NFL and noone is more accurate than Rodgers at the moment or possibly ever (even HOF qb's are saying it). Just look at the drive to end the Giants game. Pinpoint accuracy especially on the first throw to Finley. The Pack are on a serious roll right now and I hope it ends with another superbowl victory.

P.S. No need to even talk about the Queens. OOPS my bad!