caliber for wolf and deer?

I am with Ken I have been shooting a .243 since 1974. I have killed more game with that gun than any other in my life. It will kill game you never thought possible. I reload for it by the hundreds of rounds........Bob

I like them too. may I ask what bullet/bullets you like for deer? Pigs? Black bear? Thanks
I like Hornaday ammo. But there is a bunch of good 243 rounds out there. The 55-58 grain ammo out now is one of the fastest loads on the planet. And for deer hunting any where, especialy in the bush. 80-100 grain loads are deadly fast and accurate. For hog I would use one of ther heavier loads the same as deer.
I reload mainly 75 gr leads for my light load and 87 gr. for deer and heavier game. That 87 gr hit a black bear at over 100 yards in the ear coming for me. It took out 6 spinal vertrabre. They were mush it really did a job. That is when my faith in the .243 really grew. I used 4064 powder it was many years ago, so I won't say my load is still good......Bob
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My go to rifle is and has been since 1966 is the 257 Roberts with handloads of 38.5 grains of IMR4064 under a 100 grain bullet.
bought a thompson center icon in 270. put a redfield 4-12 scope with the accu ring reticle. shot it for the first time tonight. just as i got the chronograph and everything else set up i got called back to work. so i only shot it at 25 yards getting shots on paper. was only 2 inches off when i started. looks like it will be a tack driver. i know it was only 25 yards but i had a six shot group that measured .564 inches outside measurement. center to center would be .287 inches. the other hand load was a four shot group that measured .396 inches outside or .119 center to center. cant wait to shot it at 100 yards.:thumbsup: next time i go to the range i will shut my phone off so work cant find me