Busy Time for Old mnmt.


Opps! I meant "BUSY TIME"

Calving, don't have to wait long between calves.
Deep snow every where, blizzard/cold coming.:eek:
I'll be spending a lot of time at the ranch, night and day.
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Opps! I meant "BUSY TIME"

Calving, don't have to wait long between calves.
Deep snow every where, blizzard/cold coming.:eek:
I'll be spending a lot of time at the ranch, night and day.

Yup, Can't say I miss calving to much. Hang in there, It'll pass soon enough.
Hope you have a great bunch of healthy calves, to boost your heard.:)
Me too MNMT. I head out to the farm next week for the first spring trip to open the place back up.

Got new CRP grass, trees, food plots to plant plus need to make some lodging modifications to the lodge to meet fire code. Got to get a burn plan in place and conduct some burns for first time. Will be a busy spring.
If anybody knows a way to edit titles please tell me. I have never found it.......Bob
Bob, I did try my best to edit the title. Didn't work. Oh well, if I loose a bunch of calves all is lost and your talking total BUST.:eek:
I have 3 babies so far, yesterday and today, and many more HEAVIES!
Worked all day with straw and getting the herd into a sheltered area.

UGUIDE, remember the shack? Fires going:) I'm going to be spending some time out there. Not a real bad thing. Warm, plenty of food, good wood stove, Kinda like an adventure.

My cattle are Charolais, Black Angus and their cross.
My neighbor told me it's alot funnier calving in April I would say he was right on that one:thumbsup: Best of luck calving :cheers:

EAT BEEF GUYS :10sign:
That is what I was trying to say it is impossible to edit a title. At least I have never figured out how to..........Bob
I had to pull the biggest calf I have ever seen last week. He was half grown. I am sure it was already dead when we started pulling it. It wasn't even close to coming out. We were hooked onto it for about four hours total and sometime I could hardly pull the handle on the compound comealong. It has been a week now and the cow is still alive, but I really don't know how she survived the ordeal. I love cows and calves, but these deals really tax me.
I had that last year the calf was huge 214 pounds:eek: Lived for a day. Never was right kinda like me:D Cow made up for it this year she's the one that had twins big momma's her name:10sign: One thing raising livestock every days an adventure not a bed of roses all the time:)
I had that last year the calf was huge 214 pounds:eek: Lived for a day. Never was right kinda like me:D Cow made up for it this year she's the one that had twins big momma's her name:10sign: One thing raising livestock every days an adventure not a bed of roses all the time:)


I don't know what this calf weighted, but the end of his nose was the size of a softball, his head the size of a volley ball and his torso the diameter of a basketball. Its legs were twice the size of the other calves I have been getting. I had to go in to my elbow to first find the feet and finally got the thing into the birth canal so I could pull it. I was fortunate to get it out without killing the momma.
I checked cows again at 4 am. 4 degrees and a 40 mph NW wind.
Cows held off.:)
The 3 little calves are under a roof on fluffy oat straw.

I have been selecting bulls for low birth weight for years. And the cow herd I have is from these bulls, bred to low birth weight bulls.
calves from 1300-1500 pound cows are all around 75 pounds. Pulling calves is just to hard on cows/calves and me.

To bad I can't do anything about this dang weather.
If anybody knows a way to edit titles please tell me. I have never found it.......Bob

Click on the "Go Advanced" button in edit mode.
My bulls are low birth weight ones to not sure what happened. Friendly bull next door maybe:D 75 pounds the right size hit the ground running:) When I calved in march every 2 hours checked them they can take some cold but zero it do't take them long to get weak. Makes for long days though.
Coot, I would say that most cattle people up here go for March. Yeah it's cold.:eek: Usually do-able except for a blizzard or two and a couple cold snaps.

April up here is nice but MUD!! You know, colder and dry is so much better then the wet. The big melt and rain, damp weather sends the bugs through the calves like a cold in a kindergarten class.

Tonight it's supposed to be around zero, then next week the highs 30-40's and lows in the teens. Now that is good calving weather.:cheers: