Bummer of a week


New member
It's been one of those weeks when one just wants to crawl in to a hole and hide. Monday it was a co-workers wife that droped over dead and this morning a close friend/fishing buddy/hunting buddy was killed in a motorcycle crash on the way to work. Just riding down the street and a pickup truck pulled out of a side street and wacked him. :(
Sorry about those losses. Pet the dogs.
So sorry Jim. Sometimes life really piles it on doesn't it.
So Sorry Jim, I feel your pain. I to lost a co-worker this week. Makes one wonder.............:(

Sorry for your loss. You are in our Prayers.
Prayers your way. My sincere condolences to you, also.
It's been one of those weeks when one just wants to crawl in to a hole and hide. Monday it was a co-workers wife that droped over dead and this morning a close friend/fishing buddy/hunting buddy was killed in a motorcycle crash on the way to work. Just riding down the street and a pickup truck pulled out of a side street and wacked him. :(

It's the same thing over here SDJIM. It seems every other phone call is bad news whether someone dieing, in the hospital, or dogs getting sick and dieing.

Hence, the saying "when it rains it pours" :(

As my grandmother once told me, there's always sun shine and blue sky's after the storm. Something to look forward I suppose.

Hope things turn around for you soon and best wishes/prayers for you and those effected.;)
Thanks for all the kind words--it really does help. Monday they will put Larry to rest and we can all get on with life --both the good and the bad--time to stop feeling sorry for myself. :rolleyes:
Here is a picture of the memorial for my friend Larry who was killed in the motorcycle crash. I made the cross with the broken rod
