Brown Recluse spider

We have had them for years also.

Glue boards work great.

Just put them on the floor next to the wall and the spiders will
stick to them.

I have caught hundreds over the years.
You have to control silverfish, that is their prefered prey. In the old days we used chloradane! we didn't have any vermin, no termites, no spiders, no silverfish, for like 25 years. A wonder we survived.
You have to control silverfish, that is their prefered prey. In the old days we used chloradane! we didn't have any vermin, no termites, no spiders, no silverfish, for like 25 years. A wonder we survived.

You forgot to add mice, stray cats and unwanted kids. A couple ounces would go a long way.
I'm glad you posted those pics. I see those guys in the house too. The glue traps sound good. Just have to figure out a way to keep the dogs and the baby away from them. lol

O&N mentioned Silverfish. Does anyone know where or how they enter into a house? It seems like they come from the pluming/water pipes:confused: We have one or two of those things popping up once in awhile. Creeps my wife out:eek
Ugly rascals. We rarely see those here, but have lots of widows, scorpions and wasps. When these are readily-available, I may have to get
one . . . turns pests into a new hunting venue & ammo is almost dirt cheap . . .
Tempo SC Ultra will get rid of them. You can try all the other bs you want including exterminators but this stuff works. You can generally get it a COOP and some feed stores. Very expensive but it is effective. You need to spray inside and underneath your house. It also helps to shoot off 3 concentrating foggers on each level of your house. So I would do 3 in basement or in crawl space, 3 in main level, and 3 in attic. I have not had a bug or spider in my house in over 15 years. I suffer from severe arachnophobia so getting rid of them is a high priority for me.

That Tempo will run you about $50 and use it once a month during the summer or whenever you see them until they are gone.
Knew a guy in college who got stung or bit---which is it? He was a hurtin' unit with flu like symptoms for a long time and large , dis-colored bite area.