Boundary waters cast and blast?

quail hound

I've been dreaming about vacations lately and they all seem to involve either bass fishing or bird hunting so a cast and blast trip seems like a no brainer. Is a cast and blast trip for smallies and grouse feasible in the boundary waters?
How about a smallie/pheasant/sharpie/walleye cast and blast in South Dakota :) :D :thumbsup:
The Boundary Waters in Oct may very well be the best place on Earth to be.
Small Mouth Bass are hungry and Ruffs and Spruce Grouse aren't at all difficult to come by. :thumbsup:
Also Walleye, Sauger, Musky, Northerns and Lakers. :cheers:
I spent a lot of time up there in the mid to late seventies. Always went the last week of Sept. Loved it and saw lots of grouse (Ruffs). A bull moose crossed the river mouth we were fishing one day and we could hear it matring a short distance away. The next year we were in the same spot and a cow came across with two calves. I bet they were the ones we heard being conceived! (Little Agnes).
After Oct 1 each year you just get a self issued permit at each entry. Before Oct 1 you need to apply for a permit through their system. Great fishing, no bugs and good hunting as mentioned earlier. Just be prepared for all kinds of weather. Check with Stu Ostoff who publishes the magazine Boundary Waters Journal for additional info.
As mn said, a virtual paradise for your trip idea. I live only a short ways from there. On those Indian Summer fall days. A person has to pinch yourself and ask is this real. It's why we put up with the cold, snow, skeeters, Etc. It's for the fall.