Blackclound27 needs help right away

I've had several drinks tonight and I could not of even come up with that one!!!! Perfect fit!!!!!!!!!!!!! :10sign::10sign::10sign::10sign::cheers:
what a great laugh. as you guys can tell i dont take life very serious. the only given in life is that we will all die some day, we just dont know when. i'll be damned if im going to take life serious and piss and moan all day about some little problem and waste what could be my last day. laughter is the best medicine. just wait till you get my pharmacy bill. have buried too many friends at a young age lately including 2 co-workers. i got a bad scare last year. i have a blood vessel deformity in my brain. got very lucky and could hear the blood flow behind my ear. artery and a vein joined and have commom blood flow between them. this will make a heck of a racket in your head. 80% of the time it is found on the autopsy table. amazing what they can do with glue and plastic bb,s. i wasn't serious in the hospital either. i'm laying on the table having a cerebral angiogram and the doctors were looking at a tv screen so i turned my head alittle so i could see what they were watching. boy did they get upset. DONT MOVE WE"RE IN YOUR BRAIN. i just wanted to see what was on tv. i guess i do have a brain after all. they stuck a cath in my groin and went into my head from there. i know that seems like the long way but my head is usally so far up my a$$ that it was the closest route after all. i'm fine now. just reinforces my desire not to take life serious. hope the jokes have brightened your days also. damn i have been typing way too long with a serious tone. time to get even with bennelliboy:D hey coot call me i think i know what we can do to him.
go to bed you have school tommorrow. nothing rings with bennelli boy. also three's a crowd. you have to team up with rubber ducky
well me and rubbery ducky will out do you an any way so you might want to be careful...
Blind??? What blind??? I dont have one!
I'd go with Mixed Nuts... Thanks for the laughs guys I'm glade not everyone is so serious on this site. You guys rock!:10sign:
Milli Benelli......Boy...Unten Cap'n coot un Cloud Ya (german accent of course)

You're out of control UGUIDE with your bashing:eek: Looks like I'm going to have to take matters into my own hands. Webguys to busy controlling the rest of the rowdies on here so I'm going to go over his head. I'm contacting Al GORE:eek: Thats right the inviteor of the internet. I hope your shaking in your hunting boots.
You're out of control UGUIDE with your bashing:eek: Looks like I'm going to have to take matters into my own hands. Webguys to busy controlling the rest of the rowdies on here so I'm going to go over his head. I'm contacting Al GORE:eek: Thats right the inviteor of the internet. I hope your shaking in your hunting boots.

Calm Down! Calm Down Coot! Webguy has intervened and has come up with and idea to bring us ALL back into harmony and here it is........