Bird sightings


Active member
Farmers cutting wheat and barley in the part of Kansas which has moisture, northeast and east central have reported to me that they are seeing more quail and pheasant broods, than the last two years, and a slew of turkeys, with some hens still nesting! Having to slow down and mow around the turkeys on nest. Seems really late for turkeys, so I assume some re-nesting effort, but seeing broods also. Really encouraged about the quail, which took a whippping the last two winters followed by cold wet springs. As I said these are in wheat, barley, brome, and alfalfa fields, being cut. Last year these guys saw zero pheasants and quail, and reported the dismal facts, this year excited and say I will have birds to chase!
I have been seeing plenty of young turkeys. If I were going to make an early guess on the quail, I would say similar to last season, but not as good as two seasons ago.

We are going to have some birds, but its not likely to be a banner season for quail around here.
Here in east central Kansas I have seen lots of turkeys and way more quail than the last two years. We have had the best spring for nesting in a while since we dodged the floods and days on end of wet soggy weather.
My help saw the first brood of quail today. Four chicks visible following momma. Thumb sized.
Oh contraire, Steve! His dad has a shorthair. He has some kind of smurf dog smaller than the wife's cat that's spending it's days northwest of the house under the crabapple trees! Looks like the dust mop from an aged high school. Definately not reliable as a witness!!!
I have a running good natured ribbing contest with a buddy that has GSP.
He has his not so funny jokes about setters, and I have my statements of truth about GSPs :D

Its all in fun.

Anyway, I was out by Colbert Hill Golf Coarse tonight, heard a pretty fair number of Bobs whistling, May have to slip the 20 ga. into the golf bag for when I hit the ball in the rough this fall. :thumbsup:
I have heard quite a few and seen many breeding pairs of quail east of Manhattan. I hope this year the numbers turn out. The turkey I think got a late start with the spring being quite so cold. I hope the big rains stay away until all the hatching is done.
Steve, think you can shoot a par 8 on that course??? If you think there's a chance, I may have to take up golf:)