Been one hell of a Autumn


New member
You know when they say..."when it rains?", well that was this fall for me.
Visited my in laws with the family in October. Super trip. My father in law was awesome, and then one month later was dead. Complications from oral chemotherapy treatment, which was avoidable. So back to Baltimore we went.

Then I was experiencing chest pains and heartburn that month. The same month my best friend from high school died in his sleep from a heart attack, and my next door neighbor had a heart attack as well. So for the first time in my life, I told my Doctor the truth when she asked me those all too common questions. She had me do an EKG, then a Nuclear Lexiscan Stress Test. Apparently everything is OK because I haven't heard from them yet.

Since I've met my deductible for the year, decided to keep the ball rolling and get another Colonoscopy done (my Dad died from that 23 years ago). All good there. Clean as a whistle.

And I'm going to try and quit smoking for a New Year's resolution.

Hoping 2015 is less drama, like the good old days.
You know when they say..."when it rains?", well that was this fall for me.
Visited my in laws with the family in October. Super trip. My father in law was awesome, and then one month later was dead. Complications from oral chemotherapy treatment, which was avoidable. So back to Baltimore we went.

Then I was experiencing chest pains and heartburn that month. The same month my best friend from high school died in his sleep from a heart attack, and my next door neighbor had a heart attack as well. So for the first time in my life, I told my Doctor the truth when she asked me those all too common questions. She had me do an EKG, then a Nuclear Lexiscan Stress Test. Apparently everything is OK because I haven't heard from them yet.

Since I've met my deductible for the year, decided to keep the ball rolling and get another Colonoscopy done (my Dad died from that 23 years ago). All good there. Clean as a whistle.

And I'm going to try and quit smoking for a New Year's resolution.

Hoping 2015 is less drama, like the good old days.

Brother Driggs,

I'm sorry to hear that. My fall has been somewhat similar, save for health issues (that I know of anyway). I also quit smoking this fall. 2 months later, mom died of a heart attack, after having smoked for 30+years. It goes without saying, my family was very appreciative of my commitment to quit after they were through the grieving process.

I tried every single smoking cessation aide on the market over the past 5 years. Many ppl who'd successfully quit in that time kept telling me, "Drop the crutch, cold turkey is the way to go." Well, I finally listened and took it a day at a time with no silly patches, pills, or whatever. I bet I drank 2 gallons of water every day for the first few weeks and I must have walked 50 miles (never the type to walk just for the sake of walking before, but..). I recommend water and exercise, especially in those first few weeks. Its nice walking on by the shivering smokers now instead of "having" to join them;) I found that one doesn't "try" to quit smoking (I used to use that word to), one just quits. I repeated in my mind every time a cigarette crossed my mind, "I'm not a smoker anymore." I verbalized it to others as well to the point I actually believed it. It'll be 4 months on the 28th. Believe me, I'm rooting for you all the way out here in KS:cheers:
Sorry to hear about that Driggs. As far as the smoking goes, pick a date and do it. I have been smoke free for 15 years this feb. It is amazing, but I feel as if I was never a smoker. In a week the physical part is gone, then it is all mental. Takes 90 days to break a habit. I used matchsticks and sunflower seeds. The seed addiction was severe for about three years, then I had to kick it too:). But last time I checked seeds won't kill you. Good luck, but you got this. Just get mad at it.
Life can be a "Son of a Gun" you know.
Best way to quit smoking is to "just do it" I did.
I smoked like a smoke stack. I met the love of my life. best kisser I've ever known. :10sign:
She said one morning, "you kiss the best" but I taste cigarettes". :(:eek:
That was that, the half carton or so went in the trash and NEVER did I light up again. Quit smoking for yourself and more so for the ones you love.
JUST GET IT DONE!!!:cheers:

I am a 2 time cancer survivor, so far. Been there and done it, make everyday count. :cheers:
Thanks guys,
Appreciate the good thoughts. Stress test results were negative. No blockages of arteries, and no previous heart attack. Now I just have my skin cancer check next week.
And I'm going to try and quit smoking for a New Year's resolution.

Far more beneficial than any medical test, therapy, or diet. :10sign:
I quit "cold turkey" from 3 packs a day on Jun 16th 1973 and never looked back :thumbsup:
You know when they say..."when it rains?", well that was this fall for me.
Visited my in laws with the family in October. Super trip. My father in law was awesome, and then one month later was dead. Complications from oral chemotherapy treatment, which was avoidable. So back to Baltimore we went.

Then I was experiencing chest pains and heartburn that month. The same month my best friend from high school died in his sleep from a heart attack, and my next door neighbor had a heart attack as well. So for the first time in my life, I told my Doctor the truth when she asked me those all too common questions. She had me do an EKG, then a Nuclear Lexiscan Stress Test. Apparently everything is OK because I haven't heard from them yet.

Since I've met my deductible for the year, decided to keep the ball rolling and get another Colonoscopy done (my Dad died from that 23 years ago). All good there. Clean as a whistle.

And I'm going to try and quit smoking for a New Year's resolution.

Hoping 2015 is less drama, like the good old days.

Been-there, done-that with all the death & grieving surrounding from every side. In fact, still waiting for it to end...
Prayin for you bro - may 2015 be a nice turnaround year on the upswing for ya! :cheers:
I am now at 6 days as a non smoker. Cold Turkey. Getting easier by the day, and next year Robert we can chase Chukar up and down all sorts of problem!
I am...a non smoker.

Remember your new identity/label (whatever you wanna call it) every time the notion of smoking crosses your mind. Its said that when someone tells themselves the same thing over and over, be it truth or a lie, they begin to believe it. Well, it may have been a "stretch" the first few days b/c I sure felt like a smoker still, but after a short while, it became the truth! I became proud of my new identity as a non-smoker and it helped me get through the faint cravings that still visit occasionally after the first week or 2.

No more stinkin', no more ps'ing away my $, no more visualizing the 60yo version of myself carting an O2 bottle into the Dr's office:thumbsup:

Be sure to keep us posted as time passes. Its great seeing/hearing of others finding the inner strength to get away from such a terrible habit:10sign:
I am now at 6 days as a non smoker. Cold Turkey. Getting easier by the day, and next year Robert we can chase Chukar up and down all sorts of problem!

It only gets better. You will have more power afield than you can believe possible as time goes by. Try to walk a half hour everyday or most days. It's the second best thing you can do for yourself after you quit smoking.
I am now at 6 days as a non smoker. Cold Turkey. Getting easier by the day, and next year Robert we can chase Chukar up and down all sorts of problem!

That's awesome man! Next year is the year, we'll finally get the dogs together to harass some birds.:thumbsup:
I'll plan on it Robert!
I have a long time buddy moving to Boise. He says he'll get some Intel and experience, and I already said I'm coming to visit. Montana is getting quite popular, and I might be ready for a change of scenery. I live in Idaho, time to experience it more!