BC out of control

Help guys. Blackclouds getting tough in all places WALMART:eek: Thats right he seen some teenie boopers riding on handicap scooters in WALMART (what the heck you shopping in there for anyways?) And he called the young buck a CAT can't say the real word but you know what I mean:thumbsup: He took off like a baby. Then he found the other young buck and called him the same thing:eek: Wow my brothers really growning a pair:D Same thing happened. I'm proud of my Bro.:10sign: Elderly need that stuff not young teenies. I hope he don't get jumped in the parking lot when he leaves.
i'm still p!!sed 3 hours later:mad: i hate going to walmart but i only wanted to go to one store to get everything i needed. saw 7 teenage boys all dressed up with their dates. there were 2 boys in handicapped scooters racing down the aisles. i stared at them and gave them the benifit of doubt. i go down a couple ailses and then i saw them walking and laughing:eek: i went back to give them a piece of my mind. a store manager was telling them to put scooters back and they started to give him crap:confused: i LOST IT looked kid straight in the eye and called him a big p$$$$y. manager looked at me and backed off. kid says what you call me! i said your nothing but a big P. how dare you think its alright to use handicap scooters as a toy.!!! there many older people that need them. not you as a toy i know several football players that cant walk on their own that would never use one and you need one!!!. he hauled a$$ out the store. other 6 boys stare me down. i go up to one of them and said you were riding one also werent you. didnt answer me. i said were you on one also very loudly. he said yes sir. i told him he was nothing but a big P$$$$y also. there was a third boy that was on one for a short time but he ran away before i could chew his a$$ the girls didnt know what to think. i hope they realize these boys need to grow up. the boys went from studs to duds instantly. they all left in one hell of a hurry. i apoligized to the store manager for my actions and language. he LOVED it. said he wished he could talk to them like that. thank god they didnt jump me in the parking lot. im too old and slow to take on that many guys;)
i'm still p!!sed 3 hours later:mad: i hate going to walmart but i only wanted to go to one store to get everything i needed. saw 7 teenage boys all dressed up with their dates. there were 2 boys in handicapped scooters racing down the aisles. i stared at them and gave them the benifit of doubt. i go down a couple ailses and then i saw them walking and laughing:eek: i went back to give them a piece of my mind. a store manager was telling them to put scooters back and they started to give him crap:confused: i LOST IT looked kid straight in the eye and called him a big p$$$$y. manager looked at me and backed off. kid says what you call me! i said your nothing but a big P. how dare you think its alright to use handicap scooters as a toy.!!! there many older people that need them. not you as a toy i know several football players that cant walk on their own that would never use one and you need one!!!. he hauled a$$ out the store. other 6 boys stare me down. i go up to one of them and said you were riding one also werent you. didnt answer me. i said were you on one also very loudly. he said yes sir. i told him he was nothing but a big P$$$$y also. there was a third boy that was on one for a short time but he ran away before i could chew his a$$ the girls didnt know what to think. i hope they realize these boys need to grow up. the boys went from studs to duds instantly. they all left in one hell of a hurry. i apoligized to the store manager for my actions and language. he LOVED it. said he wished he could talk to them like that. thank god they didnt jump me in the parking lot. im too old and slow to take on that many guys;)

I think I could get along well with you!!:cheers: I'm not the biggest guy out there but i will stand up to things that are just plain wrong, and I applaude you for doing what you did. they probably talked a bunch of crap about you later....but each one as he laid in bed that night was probably thinking how dumb they really were. I'd love to hear the girls conversation on how their "dates" lost their backbone and went from hero to zero in 3.5 seconds
Just trying to get a job as a greeter!!!:D Probably hire you just to keep the vermin out!!! Probably gonna have to sign a waiver!!!! Wish more people would do what BC did!!! Maybe they will give you a discount now!!!!!!:10sign::cheers:
My question is, "Where were the store employees when this was going on?" Probably just ignoring it and not wanting to get involved. Not in their job description to handle stuff like that. That's what is wrong with some many people today. They do their job, no more, no less and they get by with it. I had some employees like that when I was working. There could be some trash laying in the parking lot that they had to walk by and do think they would stop to pick it up. Heck NO!

One thing that gets me is the people that can't put their shopping carts in the "cart corrals". Just leave them in the parking space when there's a corral only a few feet away. Pisses me off and one of these days I'm going to catch someone doing that and give them a piece of my mind.

Good going bc, glad you stood up to them. I'd have done the same.
My question is, "Where were the store employees when this was going on?" Probably just ignoring it and not wanting to get involved. Not in their job description to handle stuff like that. That's what is wrong with some many people today. They do their job, no more, no less and they get by with it. I had some employees like that when I was working. There could be some trash laying in the parking lot that they had to walk by and do think they would stop to pick it up. Heck NO!

One thing that gets me is the people that can't put their shopping carts in the "cart corrals". Just leave them in the parking space when there's a corral only a few feet away. Pisses me off and one of these days I'm going to catch someone doing that and give them a piece of my mind.

Good going bc, glad you stood up to them. I'd have done the same.

sounds like their parents need their asses kicked too.
way to go, I hope they had to clean their drawers when you got done, store manager should have bought you a beer.
I would bet the girls thought their boy friends didn't have anything hanging after you gave them heck for and I would wager they did not get LUCKY that night, way to go :thumbsup:
Great story! Sounds like BC might be a bit more of a man than you, Coot:)

Teenagers like that annoy the heck out of me, good for you telling them like it is. You guys sure Benelliboy wasn't one of the guys on one of the scooters? :D
Gran Torino II, BlackCloud goes to Wal-mart, coming soon to a theater near you!:thumbsup: