Bad hunting partner

I was upset mostly because I was looking foreword to a quality father/son/son hunt. I asked my dad not to invite anyone, but I didn't tell him it was for that reason. Maybe he would have understood if I had explained myself better. Anyways I'm over it now and I'm looking foreword to that first beautiful covey rise and making some new memories we can all share.

To be fair my dad did take me fishing a lot as a kid and those times spent bass fishing are some of my fondest memories.

Thank you guys for your inputs, I respect all of your opinions on the subject.
I never had my dad to hunt with, he was blind from a failed cataract surgery, and was never the outdoor type anyway, acted interested in my adventures afield and always helped me get equipped and fostered my ability to hunt. died when I was 18 and he was 53. That said I've hunted with a host of characters. The only ones I found offensive, were the guys who jumped out of the car while I was visiting with a farmer I was confirming permission to hunt from, and started blasting at a covey of quail in the driveway! I wanted to crawl away on my belly, but the farmer took it well, and knew from previous experience I was not like that. The other guy I made sure to leave at home was the guy who shot one of my dogs! Fortunately, just peppered, couldn't shoot well enough to kill anything, thank heaven. I have found that lots of things like group size and organization of the hunt, missed opportunities, shots, that used to drive me nuts at 25, become less a factor now that I'm 56.


You win the worst hunting partner award for the day with that post. Seriously the guy jumped out and shot at quail while you were getting permission to hunt? That just blows my mind. I bet you looked something like this :mad:
Only worst story of the day!

I thought I might get at least the week with that one! Do I get any extra credit for forgetting to add that they tried to ground sluice the covey, about 40 feet from the kids jungle gym? Cause they did. Also, later that evening, after dinner, the junior member, working on his drivers permit, with his dad in the car missed the brake and hit the excelerator, and drove through the wall of the motel we were staying in. Car stopped inside the unit, with a table lamp on the hood. I think they retired from the field after that, at least I never heard from them again. Ihave always been thankful for that, and the fact I had my own room, and my own truck, on the trip. I have deliberately, been a little vague on the details to protect the idiots.
I thought I might get at least the week with that one! Do I get any extra credit for forgetting to add that they tried to ground sluice the covey, about 40 feet from the kids jungle gym? Cause they did. Also, later that evening, after dinner, the junior member, working on his drivers permit, with his dad in the car missed the brake and hit the excelerator, and drove through the wall of the motel we were staying in. Car stopped inside the unit, with a table lamp on the hood. I think they retired from the field after that, at least I never heard from them again. Ihave always been thankful for that, and the fact I had my own room, and my own truck, on the trip. I have deliberately, been a little vague on the details to protect the idiots.

My win for the week for sure! Skillet shooting quail:mad:I need an emoticon that shows me shooting someone. Not many things make me more angry than hearing of someone skillet shooting quail. Wiping out an entire covey would be pretty easy using that method.
22 or 72, if someone shoots my dog or ground pounds some quail in the farmer's front yard while I'm asking permission it's 4:30 time. ( That means it's bare knuckle time.)

My dad is still around, he cant walk very well. I cant ever disrepect him for he is my best friend. sorry u have this problem. Its just another hunt, How you do you think you will feel after your dad is gone? Mine is in the hospital right this second, I cant tell you how Bad I feel, dont think he is going to make it. just saying.......
Jmac, very good point. I'm very sorry to hear about your dad and he and your family will be in my prayers tonight. I am very glad my dad is still able to go hunting with me and I hope he has many more years chasing birds with me. Again sorry to year about your dad and I hope my prayers help to comfort you both.

Thank you very much, I did not mean to Hijack this thead, I'm Just saying hold on to what you have, life is fleeting.......:)
No apology necessary, sometimes we need a different perspective on things to see what is truly important. That's why this is a great forum.

My dad is still around, he cant walk very well. I cant ever disrepect him for he is my best friend. sorry u have this problem. Its just another hunt, How you do you think you will feel after your dad is gone? Mine is in the hospital right this second, I cant tell you how Bad I feel, dont think he is going to make it. just saying.......

Jmac. Sorry to hear about your dad being sick. I'll keep you and your dad in my prayers.

As I watch my dad get older I try to remember when he ask to do something with me or for him not to say no because there will be that day when I wish I would of told him yes.
Lets look at this from the old man perspective. Every day I do exercises, take walks and such to keep in shape. I have 2 sons and now a grandson that are of hunting age. I go hunting with them as much as possible. I want the memories for when the day arrives I can't answer the bell for the next trip.......Bob
My dad never hunted and never spoke of it much even when as a youngster I began hinting around about it, there were some neighbors that starting taking me, I never understood as a kid why dad would not take me? I later found out his father (my granfather) died on christmas day from heart failure during a rabbit hunt! My dad was about 18 years old when that happened, I assume it affected him in someway as hunting did not seem important after that?? I would take your dad all u can, if all else is good between u two, try and overlook the aggravating part and enjoy the good parts!

My dad is still around, he cant walk very well. I cant ever disrepect him for he is my best friend. sorry u have this problem. Its just another hunt, How you do you think you will feel after your dad is gone? Mine is in the hospital right this second, I cant tell you how Bad I feel, dont think he is going to make it. just saying.......

Wish your Popp well sir. The old saying "Respect your elders" I wish my dad would do more hunting with the gun. He does not bird hunt any more. Not since I was a kid. He pulled up the gun once during deer season at a buck and was just about to squeeze off a round at him standing on a knoll, when "BOOM" a shot rang out and the deer dropped. In his sights was a hunter on the other side of the deer each about 100 yards apart. Had he squeezed, that guy may not be here today. He put down the shotgun and never picked it up again in 30 + years. Luckily the other guy hit the deer. Crazy huh?
He does still bow hunt and Coyote hunt.
FCS, your Dad must figure it could just as well been him that got shot. I have been close to getting hit. But now I hunt in a carefully controlled areas.........Bob
thank you to every one who posted about best wishes for my father. He is still here thank god. once agian thank.
thank you to every one who posted about best wishes for my father. He is still here thank god. once agian thank.

We know how it is when you need to BS with someone. These
fellas were here for me when the wife battled cancer at the U not to long ago. Helped me get through the nights sleeping in the lounge crairs. Sure got tired of their food though. Good luck and hang in there.
My father never hunted. We fished and camp but hunting was never his thing but if it wasn't for him I would have never taken hunting up. He passed away when I was 22. When he passed I took his dog( A boxer named Duke) with me back to my mothers. That put a huge strain on our relationship so I moved into a place on my own. I rented this old farm house and all year I would see deer, turkeys, geese and ducks using the field behind it. Finally I decided I was going to take hunter safety and give it ago. It has been all down hill since then. Now if my father wouldn't have passed when he did I would have never had that farm house to rent and will probably still be playing with turbos on cars. I think about him ever time I am out and wish I would have had the opportunity to show him what this great sport is all about. Cherish every moment you have with your father. You can never make enough memories.

jmac I am sorry to hear about your father and will keep your family in my prayers.
My dad turned 75 in July. He has taken me hunting and fishing since I was i diapers. I am now 38 and still would rather run with him than anyone else in the world. He is now slower and walking is getting hard on him but all can bet we will be in Western Kansas opening day, having more memories built.