Bad Day


New member
Well after decades of hunting pheasants if finally happened today--I got shot:eek: durning a pheasnat drive. I was blocking and got hit by a load of #5 shot from about 35-40 yards away--it hurt--a lot, I have retained 2. All the others were stopped by a heavy hunting jacket and brush pants---they still hurt like he-- but did not pentrate the clothing. I wish I could say I was wearing my safety glasses but I had NEGLECTED to put them on (that will NEVER happen again).

The person who fired the shot I have hunted with for years and has always been very safe to be around--just shows you that it can happen to anyone.

So just remember be careful, be sure of your back ground and always wear protective clothing and eye wear.

All in All not pleasant thing to have happen to you
40 yards !! :eek: I would say you were darn lucky. Nothing hit you in the head??

I've had pellets rain down on me from a 150 yards or so but not that close.

That would have to hurt something awful at that range. I would hate to be the fella that shot you, must feel terrible..... Now he knows how Dick Cheney must have felt.

Thank the lord you came out fine.
Well after decades of hunting pheasants if finally happened today--I got shot:eek: durning a pheasnat drive. I was blocking and got hit by a load of #5 shot from about 35-40 yards away--it hurt--a lot, I have retained 2. All the others were stopped by a heavy hunting jacket and brush pants---they still hurt like he-- but did not pentrate the clothing. I wish I could say I was wearing my safety glasses but I had NEGLECTED to put them on (that will NEVER happen again).

The person who fired the shot I have hunted with for years and has always been very safe to be around--just shows you that it can happen to anyone.

So just remember be careful, be sure of your back ground and always wear protective clothing and eye wear.

All in All not pleasant thing to have happen to you

:eek: not good , Happened to me during dove season with 7.5. and hurt like hell. I can't even think about how bad #5's must feel. Sorry this happened to you. Good for you to never forget the safety glasses again, however I'm not shure at 40 yards they would help much, but cant hurt as well.

Thats it Ladies and Gents two members this year shot. Please be ware.

Jim you posted so I think you'll be ok. I hope this won't slow you down for long. Yes it hurts, hurts bad. best wishes.
40 yards !! :eek: I would say you were darn lucky. Nothing hit you in the head??

I've had pellets rain down on me from a 150 yards or so but not that close.

That would have to hurt something awful at that range. I would hate to be the fella that shot you, must feel terrible..... Now he knows how Dick Cheney must have felt.

Thank the lord you came out fine.

I have a piece of shot lodged just under my chin and one in left arm (it came in the open end of the sleve and lodged in the underside of the arm about 3/4 of the way to the elbow and had a glancing hit that broke the skin but did not penatrate at the hair line above the left eye---way to close.

I think that about 20 to 30 shot hit me mosty from the arm pits to near my ankles--it was kinda like getting shot with and old Red Rider BB gun form 30feet or so 20 to 30 times when wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt.
Glad you are OK. You got luck this time, wear those safety glasses, most every where else you will heal up.
not good, no good excuse for it either.......hope you feel better and recover OK.....the fewer hunters in my party, the better.....IMHO.
So glad your OK, I bet your friend feels terrible. Believe it or not...a load of #5's at that range could have been fatal if you were hit in the wrong place(because there is no right place in this situation).

Again, sure glad your with us able to post this story.

I had hoped to go years without such a story. Glad there's no permanent damage, I 've already got the "yipes", and I wasn't even there. We can all redouble our efforts to talk about safety, with the youngsters and experienced alike, obviously there is no age or experience level which negates a safety refresher. I sure hope this is the last story of this sort this year, been a bad start so far.
For years I wore glasses when hunting but the last year or so I have not. Time to put them back on. Thanks for the reminder.
I have a piece of shot lodged just under my chin and one in left arm (it came in the open end of the sleve and lodged in the underside of the arm about 3/4 of the way to the elbow and had a glancing hit that broke the skin but did not penatrate at the hair line above the left eye---way to close.

I think that about 20 to 30 shot hit me mosty from the arm pits to near my ankles--it was kinda like getting shot with and old Red Rider BB gun form 30feet or so 20 to 30 times when wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt.

Wow :eek: Thats a NIGHT MARE. Shot in the face.:eek: Im so glade you didn't get hurt any worse. God bless Jim
Glad you ok:thumbsup: Looks like I'm going to have to go to SD to investagate. 1. did this area have alot of pheasant. 2. wheres it at:)
Thanks for sharing your story -- an excellent reminder to be safe and expect the worst.
Hunting accident investagation

Glad you ok:thumbsup: Looks like I'm going to have to go to SD to investagate. 1. did this area have alot of pheasant. 2. wheres it at:)

Hey coot come on out and investagate away
1. yes therre are a lot of pheasants in this area( but about 63 less roosters):thumbsup:
2. Platte SD

JIM :D :D :D