Anyone going out Friday


New member
Sounds like there might be a little weather. I'm making the trip over for a family visit and plan to hunt on Friday with my brother and dog. Will be in yuma/wray area hittin the WIA's. I would love to get the daughter on a wiley rooster or two.
Sounds like fun. I can't wait until my girls are old enough to join me. Hopefully they'll be willing to stomp through the fields with there old man.

If it's too cold, try not want to kick all of the birds out of cover. I heard highs in the teens with windy conditions. That could make for a lethal situation to exposed birds; especially if we get some snow. Just something to think about.
Hey Chad I'm picking up my brother he lives in Frederick. I have to get you two guys together. This will be my daughters 2nd hunt of course I'm competing with cheerleading, boys, and other stuff. If I get a big rooster to jump up in front of her I'm sure she will be hooked for life. My brother has a large munsterlander she is 8 mths old and performed exceptionally well in Nebraska this year even with the tough scenting conditions. Thanks for the advice I had read that from you in a previous thread lots of good info on here. I just wish I was closer to the pheasant numbers out east.
I am leaving early Thursday morning and hunting my way to Kansas and staying there for a few days of cold bird hunting!!!! Good luck Boys!!!!! Get one for your Future hunting partner!!!:cheers:
Hunting Holyoke Friday with my dad

Not sure if you wanna head a few minutes North up to Holyoke. Myself and my father were thinking of heading out for an all day pheasant hunt trip. Unfortunately we have no dog, but we would be happy to hunt with you. The more the merrier.

Holliday boys
Thanks Bleu I hope it works out that way. Eric I'm sure we will end up pretty close to Holyoke alot more walk in up there too. Shoot me a pm maybe we can work something out.
Looks like the weather is supposed to get here a bit early - tomorrow afternoon instead of Friday is the new forecast. We're headed East in a few hours and hunting tomorrow. Should be interesting, depending on what happens with this storm.
Time For Me To Bump-&-Run

God willing & the creek don't rise I'm all over this one - only been out once all yr due to horrific life circumstances & been waitin on these kind of conditions to come together all year! Already got some sweet private spots on lockdown - infested w/loads of hard-hunted roosters you can't get within a country mile of right now, BUT hopefully this weather's gonna turn 'em into quail for a day or two! :thumbsup:

With an extra stroke of luck & God's blessing, there's even an outside chance I may be able to get my older son out timed perfectly between chemo treatments (boy, this 1st one he's just comin out of was a doozy)...If all works out, hope with his current lack of energy to set him up as a blocker & see how many birds we can push right on top of his head! :D :eek:

@chaddsbritt - I aim to get on 'em & hit 'em hard early - then back out & leave 'em alone by 2 or 3 p.m., so they have plenty of time to nestle back into good roosting cover be4 nightfall under such harsh conditions.

Best of luck to all you hard-core boys willing to brave the brutal elements & fore-go the NY's eve shennanigans! :cheers:
be careful out there guys, whiteouts can be dangerous...take extra clothes, water and some food....have fun.
Rooster, I got your text, the only problem is I do not know how to figure out to reply on that darn phone!!! I do not text, so when someone texts me, I am lost!! Don't laugh!!!! Are you going for more then one day? Bleu
be careful out there guys, whiteouts can be dangerous...take extra clothes, water and some food....have fun.

Take some precautions for hyperthermia for your dogs with those wind chills!!!! I hunted Nebraska during a nasty blow in storm and my dog got wet and started to freak out in about ten minutes. Her eyes started blinking and she began to walk backwards. I immediately put her up under my clothing skin to skin while my buddy went for the truck. Took about 45 minutes for him to get back to us. She had blood in her urine for 2 days after that. I called a vet from the motel and he said that was common for hyperthermia and asked how she was doing otherwise and I said o.k. had her checked out when I got home and she was fine but scary!!!!!!!!:eek:
Take some precautions for hyperthermia for your dogs with those wind chills!!!! I hunted Nebraska during a nasty blow in storm and my dog got wet and started to freak out in about ten minutes. Her eyes started blinking and she began to walk backwards. I immediately put her up under my clothing skin to skin while my buddy went for the truck. Took about 45 minutes for him to get back to us. She had blood in her urine for 2 days after that. I called a vet from the motel and he said that was common for hyperthermia and asked how she was doing otherwise and I said o.k. had her checked out when I got home and she was fine but scary!!!!!!!!:eek:

good advice Bleu...thanks for the reminder!:thumbsup:
Well, I can't resist! I'll be heading out tomorrow morning as well. I'll only be out for the day, but look to get into a few birds before the weather gets too wicked.

@HHR: I like your thinking. I too am planning on knocking off at 2:00 or 3:00 to let the birds get settled for the night.

Good luck everyone and be safe. I hope to hear stories of success. :cheers:
HHR: Best of Luck to you and your son! You gentlemen deserve to have a great hunt. May your shotguns shoot straight and you have a great time!

To all the rest of the hunters: save some birds for the rest of season. Good Luck to All!
They are calling for about 10 inches by Friday morning around Holyoke with winds 15 to 20 with gusts to 35, But i will try to make it out there...Temps 5 to 10 degrees.....wind chill up to 25 below zero...... are we nuts or what?????:10sign:
Holyoke Freeze Out

Me and my dog headed out around 6am this morning. By the time we got near Sterling the blizard was on. The weather service was calling for high winds for the rest of the day. We headed home. The good news is my Brit stayed warm in the wrapped up crate under my camper shell. The bad news is he wasn't that happy with me about no hunting. I hope you brave souls that stuck it out did well. I hate it when my plan doesn't come togehter.
Chief and I went out, this was his first real winter hunt and he did good, I almost froze to death well at least thats how I felt, he wanted to hunt all day but I could see he needed to warm up so off to the truck we went thawed out ate some lunch then I went back out, I left the pup inside with the heat on he wasnt to happy but I was concerned about him out in the cold and figured if I didnt make it back he could drive home :). We saw plenty of tracks and birds brought one home missed one of course. Anyways left them alone about 11-12ish so they could find somewhere out of the cold to settle into and we headed home. Overall it was a good hunt and I was able to work the pup in the coldest conditions I have ever hunted in and he had plenty of heart and drive. Couldn't ask for anything more to end a good year a day a field with my pup.
Woke up looked at the Cameras in Sterling on the net, went back and jumped in my nice warm bed,,,, Worked on my Decoy trailer for about 15 minutes at a time this afternoon, then had to go get warm, It was brutial outside today,,:)